Striped Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Results of Warmer Water!
Written by: Stan Gabruk owner of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle

Under big blue beautiful skies Puerto Vallarta is a fishing wonderland right now. Normally we have colder water than we do so it’s interesting to see warm water species all over the area in their “off” season. Yes folks Punta Mita is alive with some of the most desirable species we have and they’re not too far out. An eight hour fishing trip can almost make you think it’s summer! It doesn’t matter what you’re looking to catch, you have a shot, maybe a low percentage shot, but hey, it’s a shot, take a pic!
Last week we were talking about this “clean green” water surrounding the blue water patches where you would find fish easily. This week the clean green is now a blue green which means the temperature of this water is a little warmer, which is really warm for this time of the year at 77 degrees. This means if you have a real chance at Sailfish, Dorado and Striped Marlin all around the area, especially at Punta Mita. Not guaranteed, but a 35% shot at Dorado and Marlin is a gift that should be appreciated. Having said that taking a heading of 330 to 360 north from six to ten miles out the Striped Marlin are in the 150 lb range and if lucky they’ll take your bait. Sailfish are in the 90 to 100 lb range and with a little luck you’ll find Dorado in the 35 to 40 lb range. So what are your chances, somewhere around 30 to 35%. In my book, in winter fishing, this is a great chance at something that is normally a Zero percentage catch. Throw in the Jack Crevalls and the Pompano (20 lbs) around the reefs. Well worth the time and money. Just make sure you’re heading out at a brisk pace and not skipping lures on the surface like some boat captains do to make you think you’re “fishing” when you’re really on a slow boat to the fishing grounds!

Those inside the bay are still seeing outstanding fishing for a reasonable price. We are seeing mostly Super Pangas going out which is perfect for a four, six or eight hour trip. Not much shade to speak of but the boats are sound and affordable. Family days are perfect for fishing days filled with Jack Crevalls to 40 lbs in the bay, Sierra Mackerels to 30 lbs and very tasty. Sailfish are being boated almost daily around Los Arcos and La Cruz, within reason that is. Dorado have been caught in the 40 lb range and for some reason seem to be abundant. Now remember this is happening, but not to everyone so be flexible on the species you target and you’ll have a day you’ll most likely never forget. Bonito to 35 lbs are great tasting, wonderful fighters. Interesting thing about the Jack Crevalls is they’re full of eggs so we’ve seen days when they take baits, then days when they don’t. Then of course there are days when they will hit anything. It’s weird but be patient. Frankly there are lots of fish in the area including Whales. Just a reminder, Whales are fun to be around and check out, but there are never any fish around the whales as they think they’ll be breakfast or lunch! So don’t expect to catch any fish around whales’ amigo, fishing 101. Time to “bust a move” amigos and get out there already!

We’re still seeing massive amounts of bait in and around the bay. Krill Squids and Shrimps are thick and everywhere, basically it’s Whale food. Sardines, Flying fish and Squids are just some of the baits available. When talking about Squids, the bait boats off the Punta Mita point are selling scoops of 3 inch Squids for about twenty dollars, but you get like 20 to 25 squids so that’s not gouging. If you have these squids you have fish, hands down, everything is hitting these Squids so be smart. Either get to the fish market and get some dead squids or get to the Punta Mita bait boat, either way you’ll increase your chances fivefold! Water temperatures are still hovering around 77 degrees, that’s in the bay and at the deep water fishing grounds. Anything close to 80 degrees at this time of the year is kinda freakish. The bite is moving back to the 10 to 11 a.m. time frame. But it can last into the afternoon hours. So getting up too early has no advantage amigos.
We’re still sharing boats and smoking fish amigos. If you want to save some money contact us and we’ll “hook you up” with another person or couple making it affordable and productive fishing trips. The smoked fish, give us a call on the way in and we will get a person to pick up the fish. We need three days to smoke them and get them back, so keep this important fact in mind. Our number is at the bottom of the article, feel free to use it! You get half your fish back in payment, now imagine what that means if you boat a Striped Marlin!! Call us for details, or fire an email, they both work.
Until next week, Don´t forget to kiss Your Fish!
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The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk and Carlos Soberon.