If you’ve been reading my articles, you understand that we’re on the tail end of a La Nina year. When this happens the “system” starts to swing back to “normal”. That means the water temperatures, the bait conditions and even the water color all come into play. With “not horribly cold” water, as is normal for February, we have a mix of fish that include summer species that are just hanging around. In a La Nina year you can’t predict what’s going to happen. All levels of what would be normal don’t apply right now. Because of this you can have several summer species running with winter species and of course this makes things interesting, if not frustrating. The normal “rules” right now don’t apply. So you may ask “how do you know what to do”? The answer to that is, just get out there, you’ll figure it out as you go. Or you can continue reading and we’ll get you pointed in the right direction. Looking for large Dorado, we have “em. Sailfish, Striped Marlin, even the best Rooster Fishing we’ve had for years. With the right information, you can still have that bucket list, finned fantasy in March!

Starting with Corbetena, the place you’d expect to be your first deep water location to look to, it being ignored. Yep, nobody is heading to Corbetena for two reasons. First, there were so many Jack Crevalles and Skip Jack Tuna out there you couldn’t get a bait in front of any other species. Everything, fishing wise, was happening north of Corbetena which means more fuel, more expenses. Naturally fisherman would rather not throw their fuel dollars at a “maybe” sort of situation. Now don’t be discouraged, Corbetena will snap back, it always does. But for now it’s best to look elsewhere and we’re not talking about El Banco!

So, where is the action you may ask? Simple, anywhere from Punta Nayarit aka Punta Mita to north of Sayulita are the hottest fishing grounds for the next twenty minutes. Starting at Punta Nayarit Dorado and Rooster fish are on again / off again. The good news is the Dorado are at 25 lbs or larger! Rooster fish at 30 lbs are taking trolled baits. That alone is enough to push the “fence sitter” into action. North of Sayulita there are Striped Marlin, Sailfish and there should also be Rooster fish and Dorado there in this area as well. But there’s a trick, you can’t go out past the five mile mark from the shoreline. Now the water is the “clean green” which strangely enough isn’t affecting the bite any. The biggest challenge in this area is the amount of bait. Krill, of course, whale food is everywhere. But there are flying fish, Sardines, Google eyes and the list goes on. For now this is your best fishing option. Eight hour trips are productive, but a ten hour fishing trip gives you a better opportunity to find and ultimately boat that bucket list, finned fantasy!

Inside the bay, it’s a mixed bag. We still have that tiny red Krill even the bait is feeding on. But the Whales have moved to the south end of the bay and that means the middle of the bay doesn’t have as much krill as before. The good news is Jack Crevalles are between 30 and 50 lbs, but can be fickle. The Bonita are in the 20 lb range and plentiful. Remember everything counts in large amounts. Water temperatures at 73 degrees is on the warm edge for Grouper, Bass and Snappers. They basically like the water cooler, near 70 degrees and that’s as cold as the water will get in the bay. So they’ve been moving in and out as the water temperatures fluctuate. Dorado are still in the bay for the super lucky at and around the Punta Negra area. One area ignored is the Cabo Corrientes area near the light house at the south end of the bay. If you’re in the area, Rooster fish may be plentiful off the sandy beaches with rocks aka structure. I would suggest six hours for family fishing but four hours will get you action.

Capt. Alonso of Magnifico.
The bite seems to be stuck at 08:30 timeframe. Be where you want to be by then. Many people are stopping at the buoy in front of Marina Vallarta to get their fill of Sierra Mackerels in the 12 lb range or larger before the bite happens. Water temperatures are stuck at 73 degrees, but as we enter March water temperatures will start creeping upwards. I’d suggest a bait, but it’s a moving target, but 6 inch Rapallas mimic Dorado colors are working well. Other than that, throw the kitchen sink at them and see what works.

Master Baiter’s understands that food is essential on fishing trips. Putting lunches together is never something people want to think about when on vacation. So we’re offering Box Lunches and Breakfast delivered to us in the mornings. For 180 pesos you can have a warm breakfast burrito, egg wrap or even Quiche! For 270 pesos you can have a Salmon Croissant and they’re wonderful. And remember we’ll freeze and store your catch until you’re ready to head home. Just a couple more reasons to look in Master Baiter’s direction if you’re fishing with us or not. We support everyone. A special hello to my friend Wendy who was amazed I write so well… ja ja.

You know of course Master Baiter’s is more than just a fishing company in Puerto Vallarta. As a full service fishing company we provide things like free strorage and freezing of your catch until you go home. Now if you’re a Master Baiter’s customer this is a free service. Those who are non-fishing clients can stil depend on the service for 150 pesos per gallon ZipLock Bag. Bring them in bagged and ready to go. Sorry we don’t provide flash freezing and vacuum packing at the present time.

Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.