Corbeteña Quiets, Water temperature up slightly, Plenty of Bait, Strong Currents
Written by Stan Gabruk of Master Baiter ´s Sportfishing and Tackle
Everyone knows that when October finally arrives Pesca or Fishing will be at it´s yearly best. Magazines and fishing programs know this as they begin to move into the area where they will document and film our World Class Fishing. The area between Puerto Vallarta to Cabo San Lucas will soon turn into Tournament city. The largest of which occurs mid October in Cabo San Lucas with the Bisbee´s Tournament. This is a three million dollar prize in cash and cars! The entry fee is huge, but the fish are here and the time is ripe for Huge Black Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, and of course Yellowfin Tuna Monsters / Cows… Mooooo.
This past week we had reports of Monster Black Marlin coming out of Cabo San Lucas of close to 1,000 pounds depending on the report you read. Now I know we are not Cabo, it´s only 350 miles out of the Bay of Banderas. This means that particular fish passed us at some point which is a great indication of what is possible at this time of the year in the enter region!

As we sink deeper into the best time of the year to be fishing we see that Corbeteñas conditions have changed a little. The water temperatures climbed from 84 to 88 degrees this past week which is a sharp climb brought on by strong currents from Hurricane Hilary that passed us just days ago. As a result we have seen the Yellowfin Tuna fishing slow down considerably here at the rock. The Monster Yellowfin Tuna this week are no longer hurling themselves from the sea like flying Volkswagens. They are now a ¨only¨ 60 to 120lbs for the moment, but this is still a big fish! So this is not to say the fishing got bad at the rock, it just means you may have to look a little and work a little harder for this highly desired game fish. Also Black Marlin are still in the area and again this week they are in the 500lb range with the possibility of much larger fish. The funny thing about the Black Marlin as of late, nobody is targeting them for some reason. I guess there have been so many tuna and Dorado that Marlin have been left alone. Oh well, what are you going to do? The Good news is the water is blue again, changed yesterday and the water temperatures are leveling out and coming back to more of a normal range of 84 to 86 degrees. Sailfish are here of nice size and Dorado are in the average range, but there! All and all Corbeteña is still the place to be for your fishing buck, nothing new here Chucky!
El Banco is looking a little better this week, kinda like putting the ugly step child in new clothes! Yellowfin Tuna have moved in larger than a few days ago. Just like Corbeteña the Yellowfin Tuna are running in the 60 to 120 lb range and with all the bait out there this is the primary species. With not too many boats heading out to this normally outstanding area it is hard to get a feel for the area. But we know this, if you can´t do any better than Corbeteña, why go farther out?

The point at Punta Mita is still spitting fish out like a machine! Dorado between 20 and 50 lbs, it just depends on what you run into, but you will catch Dorado in this area. Sailfish are still strong and long as well. Live bait is king, but run a lure for grins on the off chance a Rooster fish is in the area. If by chance you come across a log or some floating structure, you hit the jackpot! Those looking for dinner will find it here for sure, so have fun amigos! I wish I was out there with you!
An area that is widely ignored until its conditions cannot be ignore is Cabo Corrientes. Magnifico took Rod Hewitt, Jason and Melissa Reiner out and came back in with this beauty. The bite happened early and slowed down after about 10 as I have been saying. This Sailfish was boated between Cabo Corrientes and El Morro on live bait. Jason was the one who boated this beautiful Sailfish and the bragging rights are his!

Inside the bay it is has been what we would call normal for this time of the year. Diminishing seasonal rains means the bay is more accessible with less and less dirty water. With all the bait in the bay it has been drawing Dorado in and well as Sailfish. Lisa Frick pictured came in with a nice Sailfish and Dorado caught in the bay on a six hour trip. Now this is not normal and I even told them it was very ¨iffy¨ if they would come in with a Sailfish, but there was a shot at Dorado. Well Lisa came in with one of each in six hours fishing in Magnifico with Capt. Alonso and First mate Lobo on the trash line. Other fish to be had in the bay are Snook at the river mouths, Snapper in the structure and rocky areas, Needle fish, Bonito, Skip Jacks in the 35 lb range by Yelapa. Four hours can be quite productive. I still suggest eight hours if you are looking for the best opportunity to have a day to remember!
After the water temperature spike of just a few days ago, with the passing of Hurricane Hilary, things have smoothed out and the water got blue blue! Plenty of Google eyes and Chorras out there to attract fish makes conditions close to perfect. The numbers of boats heading out is increasing slightly, but not by many by any stretch. Those interested can still have the fishing grounds as uncrowded as they will get. For the life of me I don´t understand why the regular s are not back fishing in this the best time of the year, but there you are.
Something to keep in mind amigos, the ugly news of back to back La Nina´s is all over the news and NOAA. I even posted this information when it was announced. This means the water temperatures will be colder this following year and we will probably see this in the form of an early winter again with water temperatures dropping early. We had this first indication with the early Hurricanes that normally pass us in summer by fizzling out as they headed out to deep water. Normally we see the fishing great into the first week of January making those New Years types happy. So if this is your situation, waiting for the holidays, that plan could be flawed amigo. But even if you are stuck in those vacation plans, we´ll still have fish for you to target, we always have fish!
For those of you who may have noticed, my blog report and my web page report are different and will continue to be different… Those who make the effort will get the infor mation firs thand and in a timely manner. My blog is about reports sure, but it is also about what is happening with the local news , Hurricanes, and general health of the fishing community in Puerto Vallarta´s fishing grounds and marina.
Thanks for reading. If you want to sign up for my weekly and biweekly post on my web site sign up for a subscription at: and you will receive a notice of when I post articles, pictures or other stuff you will want to know about…..
For those of you looking for local news, I suggest two different online places, One is: BanderasNews(dot)com and the other is PVMirro(dot)com … Both are outstanding publications that you can access online to receive the latest and greatest in Puerto Vallarta´s daily activities and news on Mexico.
Until next time, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
As the oldest fishing company in Puerto Vallarta and the only company with any World Recognized Fishing Championships like the WBS Billfishing Series Grand Champions (2000 and 2001) under our belt. Nobody, but nobody in Puerto Vallarta can come close to us in quality or price when it comes to world class fishing boats. Remember, at Master Baiter´s Sportfishing and Tackle, We Won´t Jerk You Around! If you have any questions on any subject regarding fishing or Puerto Vallarta, feel free to ask!
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