Written by Stan Gabruk, owner Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle

It’s funny how things work out around here. When winter arrives, tourism’s high season begins. But as high season begins, fishing high season comes to an end. There is a small timeframe where great weather and great fishing overlap. Sadly that timeframe is not right now. That doesn’t mean the fishing is “bad”. It just means most of our summer species favorites like Dorado, Marlin and Sailfish are not on the catchable fish list for now. While one of the top favorites, Yellowfin Tuna is always in the area, but they’re smaller at this time of the year. Yes we have Striped Marlin, but they prefer cooler water temperatures, but frankly I’m surprised they’re still in our world class fishing grounds. But things change around here rapidly. Soon the water temperatures will we warming up, the Whales will be leaving and Sailfish will be the first Billfish to come back into the area. For now we’re seeing shorter day action for those not looking to boat Moby Dick. It’s a great time for family fishing where your younger family members are going to be larger than the fish they just caught!
Corbetena this week is much the same as last week, big surprise right? There are still Yellowfin Tuna but they’re only 25-30 lbs. Stripers are all over the area, but they’re spread out. Having said that you can find Stripers to 150 lbs roaming the area. Another nice species biting are Cubera Snappers at 50 lbs. A great white meat fish, they’re taking trolled baits, but bottom fishing is a better option if targeting Cubera’s. One interesting thing is we have a different kind of bait fish moving in. Sardines, Flying fish and Goggle eyes are replacing the Krill Squids and Shrimps. But there are still some 4 to 5 inch Squids in the area, this should help the Yellowfin Tuna population increase in both size and numbers, stay tuned.
One interesting this is Striped Marlin aka Stripers are anywhere from 2 miles to 20 miles off the point of Punta Mita on a heading of 330. With plenty of Sardines in the area, this will help the “cause” for sure. Jack Crevalles are picking up in number and they’re feeding on Sardines as well, that’s a good thing. There could be some Snappers in the area, but don’t bet the farm on it! Water is a high visibility blue and anything can happen for the lucky. The area around El Morro is where you’ll find Pargo, not Red Snappers, but in the family running 20 to 30 lbs. Jack Crevalles 20 to 45 lbs and Sierra Mackerels are about all that’s in the area right now. Trolled Rapallas have been working well, so keep this to yourself!

Inside the bay, the song remains much the same. With the cooler water temperatures, Sea Bass are still in front of the river mouths and secret spot “holes”. Jack Crevalles are picking up in numbers, but they’re still nowhere near the numbers they normally are. Sierra Mackerels aren’t the largest fish in the Bay of Banderas, but they’re the most abundant, easy to find and great tasting too. Occasional Snook are also found in the sweet water or fresh water where it mixes with the salty ocean water. Another surprise this week is Striped Marlin are showing up around Los Arcos! With some luck, anything is possible in the bay right now and I’m expecting some Pargo to follow soon.

Water temperatures are still between 72 and 74 degrees. A bit warmer than what we’d expect at this time of the year but it doesn’t seem to be affecting the local species any. Water temperatures have stayed pretty steady but will soon be warming up. If interested in Sea Bass and Grouper, you’ll need to get off the couch and call me! The bite is late morning, about 11:00 so don’t get out of bed too early or head out even earlier. Normally at the end of March the Whales move out, but Sailfish will move in. Something to look forward to.
If you’re looking for Tours, Airport Transfers, private tours or any kind of vacation support give us a call. My Tour expert Benjamin would be happy to show you something a little different in a fun and affordable way.

Until next week, don’t forget to Kiss Your Fish!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: 322 779 7571 or our international number is: (011 52) 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook,
We’ve finally gotten our online store up and running which means if you’re out of Mexico we can now ship them to you directly. Click the picture below and it will take you to our site. We have Sweat shirts as well which we don’t have in the shop! With some more time we’ll be building this online store into a catalog of fishing products, clothing and all sorts of fun stuff. So take a minute and check it all out.. You’ll be glad you did!

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/ ..The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.