Massive Amounts of Krill (Whale Food), The Yealy Challenge!

Right now your best bang for your fishing dollar is six hours in the bay. Bonito averaging 20 lbs, Jack Crevalles to 50 lbs, Sierra Mackerals are the equivalent of Ocean Trout, plentiful but no larger than 10 lbs. We’re still seeing the occasional Dorado, but with thirty boats heading out, maybe 2 Dorado boated. Which means they’re out there, but it probably won’t be you catching it! A couple of tricks you might want to try is using a downrigger, which seems to be working. The other is use light leader. Many of these guys, local Captains use heavy fluorocarbon leader of 80 to 125 lbs. When fishing for smaller gamefish, it’s like connecting a minnow to T.V. Cable! Drop your leader to 40 or 50 lbs and you’ll have better results. Keep these secrets to yourself.
Massive Bait, Stripped Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna, Fishing Dramatically Improves!

Written by Stan Gabruk, owner Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle It’s been a weird “off season” for fishing, but it looks like things are returning to what we would think of as “normal conditions” for winter fishing. We’ve seen massive amounts of bait move into the area. In reality that is an understatement, Squids, Flying […]
Winter Fishing Conditions Continue, Stripers Off Punta Mita, Snappers Move In

It’s funny how things work out around here. When winter arrives, tourism’s high season begins. But as high season begins, fishing high season comes to an end. There is a small timeframe where great weather and great fishing overlap. Sadly that timeframe is not right now. That doesn’t mean the fishing is “bad”. It just means most of our summer species favorites like Dorado, Marlin and Sailfish are not on the catchable fish list for now. While one of the top favorites, Yellowfin Tuna is always in the area, but they’re smaller at this time of the year. Yes we have Striped Marlin, but they prefer cooler water temperatures, but frankly I’m surprised they’re still in our world class fishing grounds. But things change around here rapidly. Soon the water temperatures will we warming up, the Whales will be leaving and Sailfish will be the first Billfish to come back into the area. For now we’re seeing shorter day action for those not looking to boat Moby Dick. It’s a great time for family fishing where your younger family members are going to be larger than the fish they just caught!
Puerto Vallarta Fishing At Its Best Right Now!

And it finally happened, “BOOM” Puerto Vallarta Fishing Explodes. Yellowfin Tuna, Blue Marlin, Striped Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Rooster fish and the list goes on. As predicted, actually after all these years in the fishing business it’s expected. This is some of the best fishing of the season. Plenty of bait everywhere, beautiful high visibility blue water with “any fish you wish” conditions you’d be hard pressed to find a better time to go fishing.
Water Temps Drop Again, Roosters in Sayulita, Freak Fishing

With a title like that, you must be wondering what this is all about. We’ve been waiting for the “cold” water all winter. Well it’s finally here as we see another dip in water temperatures and an increase in Krill squids and shrimp, Sardines and more. With massive amounts of bait it can present a challenge to get fish to take your offering or presentation (aka baits). Everyone is catching fish, some days are better than others. But if you don’t catch fish now, you must be either jinxed or on a boat with an “unlucky” captain. All and all the fishing is great, short days, longer durations, it doesn’t matter so get on the water already!!
“Give it a try” Fishing, Drastic Drop in Water Temps

We’ve had a roller coaster week when it comes to fishing in our world famous Bay of Banderas. We’ve been pretty lucky with relatively warm water temperatures lingering later than usual into late January. This week we’ve seen dramatic changes in water temperatures which means we’re square in the middle of winter fishing with cold water species picking up in numbers as the warm water species bug out. While not surprising or devastating it doesn’t stop people from coming into the shop looking for Moby Dick! Human High Season and Fishing High Season are at opposite ends of the calendar amigos!
Sailfish, Marlin, Dorado, Wahoo, & Long Liners!

People come in my shop all the time and want to discuss fishing and many other things. This week I found myself talking about how we have fish everywhere and where there are fish there are long liners killing your chances as the issue remains unsolved and those in the position of authority remain uninterested. Fishing is great, but don´t have expectations around the Long Liners, the good news is we can avoid them but you´ll be using more fuel than you should have to.