Puerto Vallarta Fishing At Its Best Right Now!
Written by: Stan Gabruk owner of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle

And it finally happened, “BOOM” Puerto Vallarta Fishing Explodes. Yellowfin Tuna, Blue Marlin, Striped Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Rooster fish and the list goes on. As predicted, actually after all these years in the fishing business it’s expected. This is some of the best fishing of the season. Plenty of bait everywhere, beautiful high visibility blue water with “any fish you wish” conditions you’d be hard pressed to find a better time to go fishing. Yes folks if you’ve been holding on to those pesos in your Mexican piggy bank, well it’s time to break it! We’ve waited for this time of the year for the last eight months and any half way decent fishing operation is catching fish. Dorado especially which has exploded in the bay finally!

Corbetena after a week of jumping and boiling Yellowfin Tuna are at 60 to 120 lbs and probably larger. Sailfish are thick north of the rock, Dorado in the 20 lb range and Blue Marlin to 600 lbs. Bait is available in the form of Skip Jack Tuna, Google eyes (best bait for now), Bullet Bonito, Red runners and more. The water is blue and the water temperatures are perfect. It’s hard to make it sound any better than that. El Banco has had some good reports of Marlin and Sailfish, but when Corbetena is this hot why spend the extra money and time for the same thing? Bite is still on the early side so get there early.

Punta Mita is alive and well with Sailfish numbers picking up, Blue Marlin 12 to 15 miles off the point. Rooster fish at Sayulita are still decent sized to 30 lbs and if you’re in the area it’s worth the effort. There is still quite a bit of debris even with the week or so of no rain. The good news is if you find a log or clump of floating leave twigs etc., you’ve found a floating gold mine in the form of larger Dorado. Capt. Cesar of Magnifico told me that they came across a log off Punta Mita and hit nine Dorado in 35 minutes. Feeling lucky?
Inside the bay from Yelapa to the Marietta islands Striped Marlin have exploded in numbers and frankly there is a very good shot at boating at least one. To say that about fishing in the bay is like pulling a slot machine handle and expecting it to pay off every time, it just doesn’t happen. But wait that’s not all, Dorado are still running strong between Los Muertos pier to north of Nuevo Vallarta! Sailfish are still in the bay if you’re super lucky near Los Arcos and La Cruz Marina. Bonito are picking up in size and numbers in the bay but frankly they’re mostly babies aka bullet Bonita. Jack Crevalls are still in the bay with Rooster fish at Punta Negra and Estella Dera the bay is great. With the bottom fishing option for now with the break in the strong rains anything is possible. A six hour trip in the bay is a bargain if you take advantage of our bay specials.

All and all the fishing is getting a “tick” better daily. Water temperatures are still a perfect 85 degrees but when we see Striped Marlin turn up it’s an early indication that currents could be changing. With larger size Mackerels showing up in the bay, that’s another indication that there could be some cold currents. The fishing will only improve as the days continue. Bait in the bay is just amazing and because of this Striped marlin are really thick in numbers. If targeting Yellowfin tuna be at the fishing grounds before 08:00 a.m. For most other species the bite is still early as well. But don’t forget the Yellowfin Tuna frenzies are happening around 6 p.m. For those who don’t mind coming back in the dark, there is nothing like having empty fishing grounds and watching 200 lb Yellowfin Tuna hurl themselves out of the water like flying Volkswagens! High Season for fishing has just kicked into high gear and only you can decide if once again you get left behind. At ten dollars a kilo, the meat will pay for the trip on a Tuna!

FYI: We’re setting up a whole new section on our web page focusing on “Tours out of the ordinary” as well as the standard favorites like Vallarta Adventures and the rest. Contact us and Benjamin will show you some tours you never knew existed and that won’t break the “vacation budget” bank!
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: (044) 322 779 7571 or our international number is: 011 52 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/88817121325

The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.