Fishing in PV, Krill the Fish Monkey Wrench Dominate the Fishing Grounds

If you’ve been reading my weekly reports you know that we’re now in the middle of the best time of the year to get that “Bucket List” fish of a lifetime. But that doesn’t mean fishing is a “No-Brainer” at all. There are always challenges when fishing and sometimes a blessing can turn into a challenge as well. For now we’ve seen the action take a step back as more of those Krill Shrimps move into the area. Dorado, Sailfish etc. are still taking baits, but when you open up the “bait”, they’re full of Krill. Not impossible to overcome, but when you’re on fish and they won’t take your bait, it could be the Krill!
It’s all About Dorado and Sailfish

After what I thought might be a temporary thing, Dorado numbers have exploded. In fact fishing in Puerto Vallarta is all about Dorado right now. It’s now October, the fishing from now until hopefully New Year’s will be the best of the year. The local climate is calming down and it feels like an early winter. But for now a bay trip to Corbetena is well worth the time and money. With mostly dirty water, once you’re past the Marietta islands things change. If you’re in the south end of the bay, things are different and now even larger Dorado are in the bay. So sit back and let the Dorado Show begin.
It’s all About Dorado and Sailfish

After what I thought might be a temporary thing, Dorado numbers have exploded. In fact fishing in Puerto Vallarta is all about Dorado right now. It’s now October, the fishing from now until hopefully New Year’s will be the best of the year. The local climate is calming down and it feels like an early winter. But for now a bay trip to Corbetena is well worth the time and money. With mostly dirty water, once you’re past the Marietta islands things change. If you’re in the south end of the bay, things are different and now even larger Dorado are in the bay. So sit back and let the Dorado Show begin.
Puerto Vallarta Fishing Continues with Dorado, Sailfish, Blue Marlin

For the locals in Puerto Vallarta we all know that no matter how good things were yesterday, it’s no promise for tomorrow. Don’t take that as a suggesting that fishing has taken a turn for the worse, quite the opposite. We’re finally heading into the time of the year when the fishing is about as good as it’s going to get. From this point forward Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Tuna, you name it will be on the increase. But like always there is a “monkey wrench” that will soon be affecting our fishing both here and up the coast into the states!
Finally Fishing, Corbetena Comes Back to Life!

Almost two weeks after Hurricane Nora we finally have fish moving back into the area. We’re still having the seasonal rains so the bay will mostly have river fed dirty water. We also have mature trash lines which is a fisherman’s friend. After the Hurricane we still have a massive amount of floating debris in the form of tree stumps, logs, furniture, you name it, it’s out there floating. Needless to say it’s a navigation hazard. But for Dorado, debris like this is heaven. The deep water fishing grounds have great, if not perfect fishing conditions as they “reload” with Sailfish, Dorado and more. We always have fishing challenges, the “payoff” is when you find the “solution”!
Living Like A Local: The “GodFathers” Brother

People always ask me what it’s like to live in Mexico? Mexico is a pretty diverse place and I’ve only really lived in Puerto Vallarta, for better or worse it’s been fun. Being in the Sportfishing business I work with many visiting tourist looking to go fishing. Now we have a couple of boats, but I also work with many boats in Marina Vallarta. Many of the Captains and Crews become friends and with time are almost family. Once you get away from the “tourism leaches” the people in PV are incredible. Famous for being nice people, the “Pata Saladas” or original locals will do anything they can for you with a smile.
Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta is Changing Daily!

Sometimes in the world of fishing we have to ask ourselves “Where am I and how did I get here”? About a week or so ago we had a Hurricane “swipe” us and caused havoc for fishing, not to mention the city. We know fishing either gets great or horrible and the later was the case. But that was a week ago and frankly little has changed. With perfect water temperatures, blue water at the deep water locations of El Banco and Corbetena, things are still “iffy”. Yes there are fish, but with strange currents things are pretty mixed up. But there are finally signs of life and conditions are great with abundant bait and increased fish moving in.
Another Week, Another Hurricane, Fishing PV

I think the title says it all. If you’ve been watching the news lately there have been Hurricanes all over the evening news. Puerto Vallarta had a Hurricane skirt past us but that didn’t stop the massive amount of rain. Normally Hurricanes either push fish into the area, a great thing. Or push fish out of the area, a bad thing. You never know which it’s going to be until you get out to the fishing grounds. At that point it’s all about rolling the dice. With massive amounts of debris and trees and trash in the bay and out of the bay, it’s best you wait a few days before heading out. The fishing was great before the Hurricane so it’s going to be great again in the next few days. So let’s focus on the positive and there is plenty positive about fishing in Puerto Vallarta!
Living like a local: Re-Discover Marina Vallarta!

Not long ago I had this couple walk into my shop. They were just amazed that there was actually a private marina in Puerto Vallarta. They continued that they had come to Puerto Vallarta for the last ten years and stayed in the Marriott Hotel. For some reason this couple never knew that within walking distance was one of the top ten private marinas in the world. It just amazed me. But, after a few seconds of thought I could understand. You see as you enter Marina Vallarta, driving down Paseo de la Marina avenue, you will never see a boat, water, anything that suggest you’re in Marina Vallarta, nothing. You’ll pass the Marina Vallarta Golf Course and you’ll pass many condominium complexes just before you arrive at your hotel. In fact most people don’t even know that Marina Vallarta’s entrance is signified by our world famous whale statue!
Seasonal Rains, Dorado, Blue Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna!

After years, if you’ve been reading my articles, then you know what happened last week or even yesterday is no guarantee of what will happen tomorrow! But if this week is any indication of what is to come, then we’re going to have a great fishing season! With Black Marlin finally making an appearance, Yellowfin Tuna are right there with them. Now fishing this early in the season is always hard to call, but we have fish! If you’re thinking about coming to go fishing in Puerto Vallarta, world class fishing awaits you now.