Dorado Explode, Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna at Corbetena

Last week all eyes were on the Hurricane marching up the coast. Now that it’s past, the fishing has exploded with plenty of bait, perfect water temperatures and of course sparkling high visibility blue water. All conditions are coming together now to create a perfect situation where larger fish and smaller species are all in the area feeding on the abundant bait. For the angler looking to make an “impact” in his life, a 700 lb Marlin or maybe a 100 lb Yellowfin Tuna might just do that amigos!
It’s Sailfish City, Dorado coming on, Marlin Roaming, Tuna Possibilities

As we enter the best three months of the year here in Puerto Vallarta for world class fishing we’re reminded that PV is considered one of the top ten fishing grounds in the world! As me move out of October we’re seeing the yearly Sailfish invasion. Dorado are picking up unexpectedly in numbers, Marlin are making you work for them, but the simple fact a 400 to 700 lb Marlin could be in your future is a pretty exciting concept. But first you have to get on the water amigos! No more excuses, time to tell the “little woman” you may be going AWOL with Stan this week, it’s ok, she’ll understand… maybe.
Finally Fishing, Marlin, Tuna, Dorado, All Happening Now!
hey say that a picture can speak a thousand words, then this week I’ll let the Pictures do the talking for the most part. But for the person who craves details, here they are. Corbetena is still looking good with Sailfish, Marlin from 300 to 600 lbs, Small Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna Footballs to 60 lbs with reports of many YF Tuna in the 90 lb range. With Plenty of “Skippies”, Goggle Eyes, Flying fish and more a ten hour trip to this area, is producing with better than a 70% shot at boating a Marlin! El Banco is showing much the same, the only question is which direction?
It’s Perfect, Marlin, Sailfish, Tuna, Dorado in PV, Can You Come Out & Play?

This week Sailfish, Big Marlin, Dorado and Tuna have moved into the area. I was a little worried with so much bait in the area that it might be tough to turn a world class pelagics head!! But that’s not the case, in fact it’s the complete opposite. Marlin are now hitting live bait, lures, dead bait, if you put a hook on your car keys they’d probably hit that! Fishing in PV is always great, doesn’t matter what season it is. At this time of the year you can increase last week’s factor by three times. But the simple fact is we’re moving into the absolute best time of the year for Anglers looking for that “Bucket List Fish”.
Perfect Water Temps, Dorado Moving in, Marlin at Corbetena

It’s been an interesting week as we move deeper into peak fishing season in Puerto Vallarta. Marlin are at Corbetena and off Punta Mita, Sailfish are picking up in numbers. Dorado are around any debris or stump, all with perfect water temperatures. Massive bait, perfect days, it’s wide open and anything is possible out there.
Marlin and Sailfish Roaming from Corbetena to El Banco

As we move deeper into the best time of the year for fishing here in the Banderas Bay of Puerto Vallarta, we see things change slowly. Daily there are small improvements that all add up to world class fishing. We’re seeing Marlin, Sailfish and Tuna moving in and out of the area. Nothing is set in stone and remember fish move. At this time of the year we see the inshore fishing less attractive with the dirty water, the results of heavy rain in Guadalajara and locally. This is normal, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have great fishing in the bay, on the other hand 500 lb Marlin won’t be on the “menu” in the bay. Decisions, Decisions….
Marlin and Sailfish Roaming from Corbetena to El Banco

Marlin and Sailfish Roaming from Corbetena to El Banco Written by: Stan Gabruk owner of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle The funny thing about fishing, you can have days when you just can’t stop reeling, then there are other days […]
Corbetena & El Banco, Yellowfin Tuna, Marlin, Sailfish Numbers Increasing

As the fishing has been gradually improving it’s the time of the year when things can change dramatically. This past week in the deep water fishing grounds of El Banco and Corbetena were barely breathing. Now as we move forward we’ll have fewer and fewer “emergency room” moments. The good news, the patient has come back to life now with Marlin, Sailfish and Yellowfin Tuna running the neighborhood. It may just be time to break into the piggy bank you hid from the wife!
El Banco and Corbetena Explode, Marlin, Tuna, Sails, Dorado, Pick Your Fish Time Again!

We’ve been struggling the last few weeks, it’s been a real head scratcher for sure. Perfect conditions, perfect water temperatures, perfect bait conditions and of course blue water for miles. It’s finally all come together and our world famous deep water fishing grounds have exploded with world class fishing!
El Banco Explodes with Marlin, Sailfish and Dorado!

YeHa! El Banco this has become the place to be. I always say “They’re bigger at The Bank” and this week we are seeing some incredible fishing at the high spots! That is one heck of a lead in and that’s really all you need.