Perfect Conditions: Blue Water, Bait and Yellowfin Tuna @ 150 lbs Hit El Banco / Corbeteña,
Written by Stan Gabruk
Every year I wait for the second week of June, to me this is when the second tourism season begins. Kids are out for the summer, teachers are free to travel and the fishing turns into something spectacular. Water temperatures are a perfect 82 degrees (rising nicely) and as blue as you´ll ever get it with bait moving in daily in massive amounts. We´ve also seem some unusual things happening with Sailfish moving in to the shore areas and taking baits as fast as they can find them. The deep water locations are doing well also with Yellowfin Tuna, Skip Jack Tuna, Marlin and more. For all you Anglers and Danglers there is fish to be had as fishing is GOOD right now. If you´re in the area or just reading about the area, Puerto Vallarta Fishing is right on time amigos.

For years now I have warned you about the guy selling billfish in the bay and to run, not walk from this guy. As you may expect this is exactly what has happened. We have 70 lb Sailfish chasing bullets or in real terms Baby Bonito and Baby Skip Jack Tuna practically into the shore. A four hour trip right now is a great value and the time requirements are minimal. Dorado are running 15 to 20 lbs, not monsters but great tasting. So if you´re looking to get some short time action in on a budget and you´re here in PV now would be a good time to raid One: The piggy Bank or Two: Your wife’s purse (or husbands wallet as the case may be). And yes, you too can catch all this in four hours. Imagine, Sailfish in a four hour trip, they´re doing it like a machine right now amigos, right now.
If you decide you need more than four hours, the area from Cabo Corrientes has 50 lb Football Tuna, Pompano and if you come a little into the bay you have Bonito and Dorado. Eight hours is a day you´ll need for the points but well worth the time. If you go in the other direction you´ll also find Sailfish, Dorado a little larger in the 20 to 25 lb range. Striped Marlin out towards El Banco, but the water is warming up a little to much for Striped Marlin. Blue and Black Marlin are penciled in my date book for mid June, cross your fingers. Punta Mita for now is mostly about these two species. Rooster fish have left the building for now, but they´ll be back without warning.

The Marietta islands are on the slow side, frankly with fish in as close as they are there is not much reason to head out twenty eight miles to get what you can in front of Marina Vallarta, no kidding. Still, those venturing out will once more find Sailfish, Dorado, Skip jack Tuna, Bonito, Snapper, Pompano and the list goes on. It´s hard to show the Marietta islands as super special right now when there are so many fish to choose from and close in as well. Worth the time and you of course never know what will happen tomorrow. Worth the time, but you´ll have to make the call when it come to your ever increasing fuel expense.
El Banco an Corbeteña are alive with Yellowfin Tuna, larger Dorado in the 30 to 40 lb range, Cubera Snappers, Rainbow runners, Amber Jacks and the possible Marlin. All and all the Yellowfin Tuna are in the 150 lb range and and are looking for your bait. It´s hard to make one area seem better than another when there are fish at all your favorite locations amigo.
All and all the fishing is great because the conditions are perfect. The stage is set with bullets or in normal terms baby Bonito and Skip jack tuna. The favorite bait for just about evey species with fins and gills. If you can make these for bait, then you may just fin Moby Dick in the bay amigo or his distant cousin. One thing for sure you will not have prefect conditions like this for long before the fish grow both in size and abundance. All we need now are some Monster Yellowfin Tuna, Black Marlin, Blue Marlin and get the Roosters back then we´ll be in fishing heaven.
The days have been getting longer, warmer and more humid as you would expect at this time of the year. You can just feel the thickness or the air as the humidity increases and makes it feel like a pressure cooker when standing in the sun. But this is normal for a few weeks then t he rainy season or Seasonal Rains as I call them kick in and give us a little relief from the pressure for a little while. We´ll have the trash line and all the smaller species that feed on it. For us it keeps short days productive with Dorado and other species living off the organic ¨things¨ in the water. Things like seeds, roots, leaves, organic stuff that they love to feed on. Snook or Roballo will also be at the river mouths waiting for some succulent morsel to wander in front of them, do don´t forget about these fish as most do. Well most of my Mexican friends know how this white meat fish taste. But most close their mind to other possibilities like Roballo which is a shame. But I understand targeting Huge Fish, this is the place to do it.

If you are a boat owner or operator, remember with the rains come all sort of things, like floating refrigerators, tree stumps, floating tires, you name it. Keep your speeds down in the dark morning hours heading out. Many of these obstacles are under the surface of the water invisible except for the outline this ¨thing¨ will produce. Many a prop, shaft or rudder has learned these things the hard way, don´t you be one of them heading out too quickly, it may cost you the day and more.
Master Baiter´s has changed its location to a larger shop located directly in front of Dock D in the shops behind the grassy area in the Puesta Del Sol complex half way between the Oxxo and Las Palomas Restaurant. Come in and get your PV Mirror there and say hello to Stan. Please tell your friends where they can find the Mirror and of course Master Baiter´s.
You can come be a ¨Fan¨ on Facebook here: looking forward to meeting you online. Reports, Fish Pic of The Day, Local information, Tournament information and all that good stuff that keeps you informed and not wasting your time or money on B.S., if you know what I mean. Also Facebook Fans get special perks you won´t find in my reports.
That´s about it for now from PV… Until next time, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle is located in Marina Vallarta on the Boardwalk in front of Dock D. Facing the water turn to your right and we´re down four doors or so from Las Palomas the Restaurant. Come by and say hello! Remember, at Master Baiter´s Sportfishing and Tackle, We Won´t Jerk You Around! If you have any questions on any subject regarding fishing or Puerto Vallarta, feel free to ask at my email: Web page:
The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.