Bull Dorado at Corbeteña, Cubera Snappers at 60 lbs
Written by Stan Gabruk
Seasonal Changes continue as Sierra Mackerals and Jack Crevalls dominate bay fishing. Football Yellowfin Tuna at 40 lbs hover off Yelapa. Corbeteña turns into Dorado Central. The Marietta Islands are still rocking with Rooster fish in the 35 to 50 lb range. It´s wide open fishing and those with short day fishing trips can have great action with perfect conditions. Winter fishing still rocks!

We have entered the second week of what I would refer to as the beginning of our winter fishing season. Yellowfin Tuna are moving from El Banco directly north toward the Tres Maria Islands and they can run over 200 lbs. If you have the time, money and inclination then this is where you need to be amigo. As for El Banco, things are quieting down but there are still Cubera Snappers over 50 lbs taking surface baits. Sailfish and Marlin have pretty much moved out, but anything is possible.
Corbeteña is still an amazing place to be for now. Cubera Snappers as well taking surface baits, but there are bull Dorado running 50 lbs and we have not seen this all year at any of the deep water locations. Sails moving out as you would expect. But Yellowfin running from forty to eighty pounds are still being boated. Still, with some warm water currents still running around the rock there have been a few 100 lb Yellowfin Tuna caught on Google Eyes. This won´t last much longer so I suggest you get out there pronto.

The Marietta Islands as you would expect have turned into the fish producing machine this area is. Snappers running 25 lbs, Sierra Mackerals in the 20 lb range, Rooster fish are still attacking baits running 50 lbs and down. With Bonita, Skip Jack Tuna, Jack Crevalls and more this is action central and will be for the coming months. Recent winter rains, yes we have winter in PV, made the water a little murky this week, but that was short lived and the water is blue and perfect for now. Water temperatures are hovering around 80 but will be dropping shortly.
Punta Mita is seeing resurgence at Anclote Reef with Rooster Fish as well around the corner at Sayulita. Dorado are in the area and if you are looking for Sails, they are still hanging out north of San Pancho which would equate to a ten hour day. Still for those interested in late season Sailfish, you have an option!

For those here visiting Puerto Vallarta for the first time a short day on the water in the bay will produce some great action for everyone. With Sierra Mackerals, Bonito and Jack Crevalls running strong young people on the smaller side can have some great fun and not worry about the fish overwhelming anyone.
The Moon phase is not going to be much of a factor for the next several months with the species we have running now. But it will affect the bite which is now moving back into the mid morning and mid afternoon time frames. As for bait, there is plenty around the bay and farther out. Bait balls are scattered around the place, on the smaller side, but they´re everywhere. Sardines, Google Eyes and running blue runners will produce on any given day. So have fun and make sure you get on the water one way or another. The winter season is upon us and it looks like we´ll have another wonderful year.
Until next time don’t forget to kiss your fish and remember at Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle “ We Won’t Jerk You Around”!
Master Baiter´s has changed locations in Marina Vallarta and are now near Victors Café Te Cuba and will be opening soon. Look for me at the least traveled end of Marina Vallarta and I will be there in my new place! Everyone coming by to see my new location will get a FREE CITY OR JUNGLE TOUR! So I expect to see you all at my shop soon!Master Baiters is still the only real fishing company in Marina Vallarta with its own exclusive boats that are reliable, fast, English Speaking, fish catching professionals! Questions on any subject: feel free to ask at my email: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx or call me directly locally at: (044) 322 779 75 71 or if roaming: 011 52 1 322 779 75 71 (this is my cell phone directly until the shop phone is working). You can come be a ¨Fan¨ on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/88817121325Facebook Fans get special perks you won´t find in my reports.

The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.