Written by Stan Gabruk

Here we are again, Week four in the “Bubble”. I don’t know if it’s a current or if there is some underwater volcanic activity, but the water is still warm and blue off Punta Mita. If you read last week’s fishing report, this will be about the same. Warm water off Punta Mita had most of the action this past week. That doesn’t exactly mean the fishing is off the hook. But what it does mean is if you’re targeting Striped Marlin, Sailfish, and Dorado, this is your best option. But on the other hand, a six hour trip in the bay is full of arm burning action. So it all comes down to “What do you want”? Smaller gamefish with a boat load of fish. Or do you decide to head for an eight or even twelve hour trip targeting the remaining summer species? Or do you save the time and money, hit the smaller “tasty” gamefish in the bay and have the time of your life? It’s a decision only you can make amigos!

Well, here we are again. Much the same, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Yellowfin Tuna have returned to El Banco! About ten miles north of the high spots, Capt. Cesar of Tiliche boated several Yellowfin Tuna over 150 lbs! First off this isn’t extremely strange, there are always Yellowfin tuna in the area, always. The question is if they’re big enough or plentiful enough to make it worth the fuel dollar. I don’t know if this means the warm water is reaching out even further or if it’s something else. Either way, I don’t really care. Nothing guaranteed here, but if you have the itch, it’s worth a scratch. Striped Marlin are also in the area, feeling lucky? Corbetena this week had more fields of Skip Jack Tuna about five miles past the rock. Not much else happening in this area. Cubera Snappers are there for those who don’t mind jigging, but they will come up to feed on bait balls. Amber jacks and Green runners are in this incredible eco system. Throw in Bonito, Jack Crevalls to 50 lbs, and if you’re lucky enough to run into Spinner Dolphin, you’ll have a great day on the Football Tuna that run with them! That is if you’re willing to take the chance.

Again as mentioned earlier, the “Bubble” is still with us from five to fifteen miles off the point of Punta Mita on a heading of 330. Now there have been several days where Striped Marlin will come check your bait out and then ignore it. Frustrating? You bet! The good news is this sort of thing doesn’t normally last long and this could change for the better soon, cross your fingers just in case! Dorado in the 20 to 30 lb range if you can find them and if they take your bait, same deal. Jack Crevalles, Bonito, possible Rooster fish if you want to take the chance. If you’re going to be “running” this area, it may be a good idea to take a few extra hours to give it your best shot. There is plenty of bait in the area and it’s not on the surface. There have been some luck using downriggers with live bait. If surface trolling, may be a challenge.

Inside the bay is still great for action, but not size. Heading out for six hours, you’ll have plenty of action. Jack Crevalles are all over the bay, especially in front of Nuevo Vallarta. Sierra Mackerels are small, but very tasty and let’s face it, everything counts in large amounts. And that’s the name of the game, Bonito are a no brainer at 20 lbs.. We’re still seeing the “unlikely” Dorado, but keep your expectations low. You may even see a freak Striped Marlin as well. This short paragraph doesn’t do the bay action justice, but the smiles on your families face is a memory well worth the expense. Your best bang for your fishing dollar right now is six hours in the bay. The Bite this week is the same as last week. Be where you want to be before 09:00. With plenty of bait, mostly squid right now be prepared to use Calamari for bait or use squid jigs on downriggers. Now keep that secret to yourself amigo.

Don’t forget to check out my weekly Video Fishing Reports on YouTube, they’re very popular! Also if you’re looking for tours, Airport transfers and somebody to freeze your catch, call us, we’ll fix you up.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.