Marlin Return, Corbetena & El Banco Dorado Surprise
“Things” this week are really mixed up. When you stop and think about fishing, we all naturally assume water temperatures are pretty much the same at all our fishing grounds. But when you’re fishing in Puerto Vallarta you know fishing logic many times doesn’t apply. Right now as cold water is moving in daily, there are still some “hot spots” where you’ll find Marlin and Sailfish. Then again inside the bay the water temperatures are still dropping as expected. La Nina threw a monkey wrench into this year’s fishing schedule. As a result you can find your favorite summer species and winter species at the same time. It’s the one time of the year you can do that but only for a short time, now would be that time!
La Nina, Marlin, Sailfish and 100 lb Yellowfin Tuna
It looks like our Fishing grounds are in a season of contradictions. With lingering warm climate into winter and cooling water temperatures have created the contradiction. Black Marlin have finally decided to join the party, as water temps drop? Dorado are plentiful everywhere, yet they don’t like water temps on average under 80 degrees. And having said that, the ultimate contradiction is the fishing is great even with dropping water temperatures! Short days, long days, it doesn’t matter. If you’re serious about fishing and you’re looking for a “no-brainer” fishing day, now would be a good time to jump on on a boat and abuse this fishing opportunity of the year.
Water Temps Drop, Stripers Move in, Dorado Dominate, Fishing in Puerto Vallarta is Incredible
Welcome back to another week of incredible fishing in Puerto Vallartas World famous fishing grounds. Water temperatures have dropped again, yet we have all of your favorite species running the neighborhood. With fishing high season coming to a quick end, we’re seeing outstanding fishing conditions. Now that doesn’t mean it’s “free and easy” fishing. What it does mean is if you’re willing to put in the time, you’ll most likely get the species you’re targeting as long as it’s a species I mention in this article. Even short days are producing very well. If you’ve been waiting to go “shopping”, it’s time to put the “work” in and fill your fridge, having fun in the process!
Fishing in Puerto Vallarta is all about the Dorado!
Fishing in Puerto Vallarta continues to be world class this week with all the most popular species. Marlin are picking up in numbers and size. Sailfish, Dorado and even Yellowfin Tuna are all at our world famous deep water fishing grounds with blue water everywhere and plenty of varied baits. Water temperatures are holding steady and of course the climate here in Puerto Vallarta is nicer every day as we enter high season in Puerto Vallarta.
Living Like A Local: Immigration Visitor Ignorance
Puerto Vallarta has over six million people yearly come into our airport destined for local hotels and destinations. Mexico for the most part is an open country, but Mexico has immigration laws which for years they (Mexicans) haven’t enforced. Now you may argue with that point, I know many people who have been deported, my brother included. Normally the deportation laws are used for the worst type of offenders, like forgetting an ice cream in your hand and forgetting to pay for in a mini-super. But now it’s worse. What you think you know about immigration law is most likely from what you’re already doing and getting away with. You were told by friends, family and even Mexican Real Estate agents you had no problems of any kind. Just keep coming down, spending your money in the local markets as a blood line to the local and state economy. There are no legal issues with older retired people and travelers other than the normal tourism issues daily which are quiet common. Now for the Law abiding, “mind their own business” types. It may be interesting for you to learn, you could be a criminal in the eyes of Mexican Immigration law.
La Nina, Cooling Water, Abundant Bait, Big Challenges
If you’re an experienced captain, you’re very excited about the near perfect water and fishing conditions. You’re also pulling your hair out because we do have fish, but we also still have massive amounts of Krill in the form of Squid and Shrimps. Krill, aka Whale Food is in the area about a month early. Which means all the “locals” are stuffing themselves on some gourmet baits amigo. But, of course that’s not all, we have cooling water temperatures! Why, well last Thursday La Nina officially began and we’re seeing some swift “fish” reactions. So that’s the story this week, cooling water, massive Krill and everything with “Gills” and fins are chowing down. Welcome to “Lucky” fishing.
Dorado, Sailfish, Blue Marlin, Puerto Vallarta Fishing Returns!
This past week was full of rain and wind, but the fishing is still improving. As far as unexpected weather surprises go, we’re doing pretty well. Just the normal seasonal rains. You’d think rain would be bad for fishing but in reality it’s best in the rain! Fish get excited and come to the surface, which makes your chances of boating an “excited” fish much better. Naturally with rain, areas near the river mouths will be coffee colored, not a preferred condition at all. But in the areas away from the mud in the bay, things have improved as well. When it comes to the deep water fishing grounds, Dorado are both picking up in numbers and size! Sailfish are also picking up in numbers as you’d expect. Haven’t seen any Black Marlin this year, that’s not normal at all. But on the other hand, we’re happy to still having Yellowfin Tuna at Corbetena! At this time of the year the deep water locations is where your best fishing will be for the near term. Inside the bay, there is still great fishing, but you won’t find Marlin, Sailfish and Tuna for the most part.
Finally Fishing, Corbetena Comes Back to Life!
Almost two weeks after Hurricane Nora we finally have fish moving back into the area. We’re still having the seasonal rains so the bay will mostly have river fed dirty water. We also have mature trash lines which is a fisherman’s friend. After the Hurricane we still have a massive amount of floating debris in the form of tree stumps, logs, furniture, you name it, it’s out there floating. Needless to say it’s a navigation hazard. But for Dorado, debris like this is heaven. The deep water fishing grounds have great, if not perfect fishing conditions as they “reload” with Sailfish, Dorado and more. We always have fishing challenges, the “payoff” is when you find the “solution”!
Living Like A Local: The “GodFathers” Brother
People always ask me what it’s like to live in Mexico? Mexico is a pretty diverse place and I’ve only really lived in Puerto Vallarta, for better or worse it’s been fun. Being in the Sportfishing business I work with many visiting tourist looking to go fishing. Now we have a couple of boats, but I also work with many boats in Marina Vallarta. Many of the Captains and Crews become friends and with time are almost family. Once you get away from the “tourism leaches” the people in PV are incredible. Famous for being nice people, the “Pata Saladas” or original locals will do anything they can for you with a smile.
Fishing Frustrations, Strong Currents, Hurricanes and Rough Seas
When we enter this time of the year Hurricanes are a part of our daily life. Now we don’t get hit with Hurricanes, but they do pass the Bay of Banderas frequently. More frequently than you might think. We’ve see some interesting situations. Clashing Currents from two different Hurricanes hundreds of miles apart came together perfectly outside of the bay and we had some large swells with short intervals. It put the idea of fishing out of the picture. That doesn’t mean we didn’t have any fishing. It just means you couldn’t get out of the bay!