Summer Fishing in Puerto Vallarta
You know the funny thing about the world of fishing is, you never really know what to expect in with summer fishing in Puerto Vallarta. With constantly passing Hurricanes hundreds of miles out, this affects currents. Currents are fish highways. The ride along and use them to their advantages. This creates crazy currents which can be for good or evil. And along with those currents come bait fish. In fact it’s a bait buffet at all the deep water fishing locations. The bay had a surprising streak of a few days were larger Dorado and even Sailfish were running the neighbourhood of Yelapa to Los Arcos. Things are changing by the day, what happened yesterday, well that was yesterday.
Starting with Corbetena, little changed here. Blue water, the Bait Buffet of Blue, Green, and Rainbow runners are thick. Bullet Bonito, Skip Jack Tuna of good size, Flying fish, Sardines, Goggle eyes, the list is endless. This is the challenge. The species competing for this bait buffet are Blue Marlin to 400 lbs, Sailfish, Striped Marlin, and Yellowfin Tuna ranging from 40 lbs to over 100 lbs at any given moment. Dorado are plentiful but mostly under 15 lbs. Plenty of blue water. Be advised the fish are spread out. The kind of conditions where if you’re a private boat, well let’s just say they’re out there if you have the fuel budget to do some running. Feeling lucky? Then you may want to head to El Banco. The Marlin action is much better at the high spots. Blue Marlin at 500 lbs, Striped Marlin, a few Black Marlin, but the season is still early for them and they do prefer a tad warmer water than we have now.

Punta Mita has been on the slower side this week. Not many boats heading out to get a food feel for the area. The few reports I have is Dorado is still in the area, but there is too much debris and tolling through the river debris has been a nightmare for trolled baits. Water is mostly blue but there can be a mature trash line, away from debris and you have something to get excited about. The Rooster fish love rain and river debris, the reefs north of Sayulita should be ripe right now, good luck Oh, the action for Sails is still closer in, start there targeting Sailfish, Dorado and striped Marlin.

Inside the bay has been a contradiction. Dirty water from the constant silt from the rains. Then by los Arcos the water was kinda blue. Then near Yelapa the water was the clean green that fish tolerate, but is chilly water. It was on the slow side then the crazy currents happened and we started seeing larger Dorado in the bay in good numbers. Then Sailfish started chasing baits in the bay. For three days things got incredible then the Hurricane, the heavy rain, more crazy currents and now it’s all dirty water and slowed down with more crazy currents in the Bay. But this will change in a day or two so bide your time. And in a few days the fishing should be incredible. Jack Crevalles, Bonito, Sierra Mackerels, Skip Jack Tunas and more, there is plenty of action in the bay right now…

The bite has been a little earlier this week, be where you want to be by 08:30, earlier wouldn’t hurt. Bait to run might be a lure or dead bait when you can’t get them to turn their heads. Water temperatures are still in the 86 degree range thanks to La Nina. This past week we saw the bay at time times better than the deep water locations “action wise”. And be advised for my readers coming to town, be sure you know the exact names of the boats you’re booking, the exact name of the people who will meet you and don’t give any money to anyone you don’t know. If your agent has a phone, get his number and make sure it works. Just like any tourist location, there are the subcultures, your continued attention to details will help avoid something avoidable.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.
Written by Stan Gabuk of Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle