Champagne days of Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta
Written by Stan Gabruk
Normally in December we see the turn of the season, the days are cooler, the evening cold to those who live here in Puerto Vallarta Year Round. This December as yet has been unseasonably warm keeping our world famous fishing grounds warm and abundant with fish! A machine for Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna. Dorado are still strong around the Marietta Islands, with some nice bulls still hanging out around ignored El Morro. With empty fishing grounds, the seasonal Sportsman has everything he could possibly want. Perfect temperatures, blue water, abundant fishing, deserted fishing grounds, it´s like you´re in the 50´s but with newer equipment. For a short time every year the conditions come together and form the Champaign days of Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta.

We have seen the Yellowfin Tuna filter back in off Corbeteña as the moon phase becomes more favorable moving the bite to later in the morning. So no worries about getting up before the chickens, 7:00 am depart times are perfect, Long range guys leave the afternoon before so you can open you´re eyes with a pole in your hand. Either way you´re heading out to do something many only fantasize about. Black Marlin running 600 lbs are still around Corbeteña, Dorado are in the 45 to 55 lb range. Sailfish are still here in big numbers, but they seem to be thinning, yet there are still plenty to go around. Marlin are still a picky bunch, but they are taking live bait so be sure to have your live well clean and stuffed. Again, no secrets, just get there and the story begins. Yellowfin Tuna seem to be in and out. Still running from 70 to 200 lbs if heading in a western direction. Cubera Snappers for those who like jigging for 65 lb Blue Plate Specials. Well worth the ten hours it takes for the day.
At El Banco or The Bank the song remains the same. Dorado are larger around the high spots running in the 35 to 50 lb range. Google Eye and Bonito as bait are working well so why change things. YF Tuna about twelve miles to the north heading towards the Tres Maria Islands. Black Marlin in the 600 to 700 lb range, but will drive you nuts with ¨bill whaps¨ and not take bait. Rainbow runners sprinkled in the area, Sailfish that are still large, very large. Again nothing special to remember or do, get there and get in the game. Blue water and temperatures in a perfect 82 degrees, these are rare days indeed.

Those who are serious about their fishing and don´t mind taking the overnight ¨Find the fish¨ trips will find Yellowfin Tuna in Excess of 200 lbs at the Tres Maria Islands. You can be assured Master Baiter´s has no interest in losing out boats so you can catch fish. We won´t risk your safety or well being to make a buck. Others Companies are well inside the boundary lines and many boats are being seized, you won´t hear this on Bloody Decks amigos. You´ll be for the most part be targeting only Yellowfin Tuna, so you will be a one target trip. Let me know if you´d be interested in sharing a trip of approx. 16 hrs and we´ll get you that finned fantasy.
Punta Mita as late has come to life and is surprisingly large Dorado running 35 to 45 lbs. something shinny is working incredibly well as does live bait. Sailfish in the 90 lb range is everywhere and taking just about any bait put in front of them. Like always about 15 miles off the point you´ll still find smaller Blue Marlin. An eight hour trip will do you well amigo.
Well that´s it for now, until next week don´t forget to kiss your fish and always remember at Master Baiter´s Sportfishing and Tackle, We Won´t Jerk You Around¨!¨
Master Baiter´s has changed locations in Marina Vallarta and are now near Victors Café Te Cuba and will be opening soon. Look for me at the least traveled end of Marina Vallarta and I will be there in my new place! Everyone coming by to see my new location will get a FREE CITY OR JUNGLE TOUR! So I expect to see you all at my shop soon!
Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle is located in Marina Vallarta on the Boardwalk next to Victors Café Te Cuba at the fare end of Marina Vallarta. Master Baiters is still the only real fishing company in Vallarta with its own exclusive boats that are reliable, fast, English Speaking, fish catching professionals! Questions on any subject: feel free to ask at my email: Web page: or call me directly locally at: (044) 322 779 75 71 or if roaming: 011 52 1 322 779 75 71 (this is my cell phone directly until the shop phone is working). You can come be a ¨Fan¨ on Facebook here: Facebook Fans get special perks you won´t find in my reports.
The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.