For the last month or so, I’ve been declaring “summer fishing” has arrived, and it has. But like most things in life, it doesn’t happen all at once. Daily, as we move deeper into “high season” for fishing in Puerto Vallarta, we’re confronted with several “fishing surprises”. What surprises you may ask? Well, Blue Marlin at El Banco, Yellowfin Tuna at Corbetena and Striped Marlin being boated in the bay? If none of that is surprising, then you don’t know fishing in Puerto Vallarta or you’re jaded. But even the most jaded like myself are felling the excitement. Last week we had some indications that Marlin were moving in to El Banco. But the bay? Striped Marlin being boated in the bay, dirty water an all? Sailfish are all over the place, in fact, in the bay your chances are better to catch a Sailfish than at Punta Mita! If this isn’t exciting to you, then maybe you’re reading the wrong article. If it is exciting, please read on!

So I mentioned Blue and Striped Marlin at El Banco, last week there was a possibility, today it’s almost guaranteed. Now things can change quickly, but my favorite first mate Diego working on our 35ft Cabo boated 3 Blue Marlin, 3 Striped Marlin and a Black Marlin. To me that’s both exciting and motivating. El Banco has perfect high visibility blue water, massive amounts of bait and they’re all sitting on the “high spots”. Sailfish are here as well. But no Yellowfin Tuna. If you’re looking for Yellowfin, you’ll need to head to Corbetena for the moment. Football Yellowfin Tuna right now are pretty plentiful and running anywhere from the “rock” to maybe ten miles to the south or north. There are also Blue Marlin, some Black Marlin as well running the area. Not too many Sailfish, but some and the Dorado are on the small side. The water from Corbetena to El Banco is blue and full of bait. Conditions are pretty much as good as they get. If you have any questions over and beyond this information, message me and I’ll get you the latest info!
The area around Punta Mita is up and down. This week we’re seeing Sailfish and Dorado if you can find any floating debris or a mature trash line. Most of these Sails are being boated off the point anywhere from 3 to 10 miles. But let me say, nothing is automatic. Why, well bait is the issue. With continued massive amounts of varied bait, lures many times are working better than live bait. Blue Marlin can also be in the 10 to 15 mile mark off the Punta Mita point. FYI Punta Mita has been renamed to “Punta Nayarit”, why they would change the name is a mystery to me. To continue the reefs north of Sayulita has been showing action. But to be straight up, Cabo Corrientes, the opposite end of the bay is totally ignored and those looking for Rooster Fish would be well served to look in that direction. In fact Cabo Corrientes is the most ignored, fruitful and ignored fishing grounds in PV! Rooster fish, Sailfish, Dorado are in perfect blue water and again varied baits. Ask Marvin Lott who boated a very nice 55 inch Rooster Trophy fish. Something to think about for my Rooster fish enthusiast.

With all the heavy rain in the mountains and inland the bay is full of dirty water, as is normal. For now the bay is mostly full of dirty water. This means you’re best fishing options are in the southern end of the bay. Four hour fishing trips in the bay won’t get you out of dirty water for the next two months, nothing new about this. What is new are strange currents that are bringing in plenty of bait and even Striped Marlin in the bay! Other abnormal species in the bay like Jack Crevalles, Sierra Mackerels with some Dorado Bonito and Skip Jack Tuna are running the entire area. Six hours is what you need if fishing in the bay so you can find clean water. You can catch fish in four hours, probably.
We have a mid-morning bite so be where you want to be before 09:00. Bait is not an issue, but many times dead bait and lures are working well. Don’t get mind-locked into thinking live bait is the only bait that works. Water temperatures are hovering at a perfect 84 degrees, thank La Nina for that. Remember we’re all at the mercy of weather conditions, including Hurricanes. If for some reason we can’t head out, we will reschedule or refund deposits as warranted. But also remember rain is no reason to cancel a fishing trip, even with lightening! Fishing is best in the rain and lightning is a momentary thing that will pass before you reach your fishing grounds normally.. But nobody holds a pole with local lightening! Stay safe….
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.
Written by Stan Gabruk, owner of Master Baiter’s Sportfishing and Tackle