Massive Bait, Swirling Currents, Stripers and Baby Dorado, Strange Stuff
Written by Stan Gabruk, owner Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle It seems sometimes that Puerto Vallarta’s fishing grounds are always changing. Seasonal changes and daily changes in fishing conditions can be frustrating for sure. We’re now at the time of the year where we have warming water temperatures with swirling cold currents, a frustration […]
Conditions Much the Same, Water Temps Drop a bit, Sea Bass, Stripers
Normally at this time of the year we’re in a “loop”. It’s not summer fishing so we’re not going to see Dorado or most of the warm water species. Striped Marlin are still roaming the area and that’s about the largest fish and only Marlin you’ll find in the area. Jack Crevalles which are “our bread and butter” come winter time are lacking in their normal numbers. So the longer day fishing trips are targeting just a few species which is “normal”. The good news is we’re still seeing Sea Bass, Grouper and Snook. The weather is perfect and the bite is on.
Stripers in Bay, Smaller Dorado, Massive Bait Amounts, Warming Water, Fishing is Great!
For the last three weeks now I’ve been surprised at the amount of Striped Marlin in the bay. As water temperatures rise we normally see Striped Marlin leaving the area. But when there is so much “Fast Food” why would you leave? Smaller Dorado are in the bay which is encouraging. For now we’re focusing on the “water” conditions. We’re in a “current” transition period where clashing currents can create dirty water and hair pulling frustration.
Plenty of Fish, Too Much Bait, Wahoo and Tuna Move In
Every year like clockwork we see the changing of the seasons just about the second or third week of January. This means the water temperatures drop, currents change, and abundant “Whale Food” in the form of hard shell Squids, Red Crabs and massive amounts of Krill Shrimp and Squids. And this is just the tip of the iceberg amigos. At times “too much” bait can be a problem for the vacationing Angler looking for a bucket list Fish to be checked off. But never fear, we have fish if you can get them to take your bait.
Wide Open, Spread out Fishing, Marlin & Sailfish Dominant
In the world of Big Game Fishing, nothing ever stays the same from day to day. For the last few weeks it’s been wide open. By that I mean the fish are moving around the area with no real concentration for any real length of time in any one location. So, this means you have to be prepared to move around and find the fish. This is actually normal, but for those on a thin fuel budget this could be an issue if targeting large Marlin, Sailfish or Tuna. We have fish, but we don’t have them in a barrel.
Striped Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Results of Warmer Water!
Under big blue beautiful skies Puerto Vallarta is a fishing wonderland right now. Normally we have colder water than we do so it’s interesting to see warm water species all over the area in their “off” season. Yes folks Punta Mita is alive with some of the most desirable species we have and they’re not too far out. An eight hour fishing trip can almost make you think it’s summer! It doesn’t matter what you’re looking to catch, you have a shot, maybe a low percentage shot, but hey, it’s a shot, take a pic!
“Give it a try” Fishing, Drastic Drop in Water Temps
We’ve had a roller coaster week when it comes to fishing in our world famous Bay of Banderas. We’ve been pretty lucky with relatively warm water temperatures lingering later than usual into late January. This week we’ve seen dramatic changes in water temperatures which means we’re square in the middle of winter fishing with cold water species picking up in numbers as the warm water species bug out. While not surprising or devastating it doesn’t stop people from coming into the shop looking for Moby Dick! Human High Season and Fishing High Season are at opposite ends of the calendar amigos!