Written by Stan Gabruk

For the locals in Puerto Vallarta we all know that no matter how good things were yesterday, it’s no promise for tomorrow. Don’t take that as a suggesting that fishing has taken a turn for the worse, quite the opposite. We’re finally heading into the time of the year when the fishing is about as good as it’s going to get. From this point forward Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Tuna, you name it will be on the increase. But like always there is a “monkey wrench” that will soon be affecting our fishing both here and up the coast into the states!
We’ve seen massive amounts of rain this past week and that’s keeping the water dirty in many, if not most areas. One good thing about Corbetena is that it’s 35 miles out from Marina Vallarta. This means if there isn’t clean water there, you may not want to go looking for it. For now once you’re past El Morro we’re seeing beautiful high visibility blue water. Blue Marlin this week were on the thin side at 400 lbs. No real sighting of Black Marlin, but they’re out there amigo. Dorado are in the 25 lb range and up, especially if you can find some floating logs or debris. Yellowfin Tuna to 60 lbs are still north of Corbetena by about ten miles. Sailfish as well. One issue is there have been a shortage of “Chorra’s, a name all for bait species in the 6 to 30 lb range. Yep, bait is an issue so you need to be sure to get as many “Chorras” as possible. If possible make bait in the bay where they’re more abundant. If you choose to wait until you hit the rock, drop baits at El Morro. A Ten hour trip is well worth your time and effort.
Something interesting, Capt. Cesar from Magnifico heading to San Diego tells me he dropped baits off El Banco, just lures and he had Blue, Black and Striped Marlin chasing his baits all the way to the Tres Maria Islands. With few boats heading to El Banco this could be the secret, but who knows? Dorado are there, Tuna could also be there with some luck. One thing for sure, people don’t head to this area as much, but the locations is still world class and can be very productive.

The area from El Morro to Punta Mita is always very fertile. The primary players in this area are naturally Dorado. Now you may need to hit a few logs before you find a Dorado goldmine, but they’re out there waiting for you now. Sailfish from El Morro to Sayulita and if you’re just eight miles off the point of Punta Mita Sailfish, Blue Marlin and Dorado are playing in the blue water. Jack Crevalles have returned and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Rooster fish are a possible, but I haven’t heard of any caught this week.

Inside the bay is up and down, Jack Crevalles have shown up again in decent numbers. In the middle of summer fishing? Now that’s strange, there are even Sierra Mackerels at El Morro and in the bay. These are cold water species and we don’t have cold water. Dorado are at Los Arcos and hot-spots to the south of the bay. Yelapa has been seeing some Tuna to 40 lbws, but you have to chum them up. Figure six hour trips in the bay and you’ll have a great time. Dirty water with rain forces you to the south end of the bay to find clean water. Well worth the extra few hours for a few pesos more.
We’re definitely in a La Nina year. The deep water currents that normally drive our world class species to the area are ending up in other areas north. San Diego to Cabo is full of Striped Marlin, Dorado, Sailfish and even Tuna. I should say, “Our fish” are vacationing in Southern California! So keep your ears open and keep reading. Real Quick, Bite after 09:30, Water temps at 88 degrees. And make bait before you find yourself at the deep water locations. Live bait is best!
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: 322 779 7571 or our international number is: (011 52) 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/ ..The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.