If you’ve been paying any attention at all, you already know this is a “La Nina” year. It keep the water temperatures at a solid 84 degrees, which is perfect for all our world class species. We’ve been seeing solid fishing around our world class fishing locations. Unlike normal years, the “fish” or all the Sailfish and Marlin have a wide range of travel. What that means is they’ve been moving around and they’re spread out. You can’t just focus on one location and expect all the varied species waiting for you to arrive. Or can we? With massive amounts of bait already in the bay, more is moving in. I’m calling it “Hit & Run” fishing. With massive amounts of the Krill or seasonal “Whale” food, Krill stuffed Mahi are not interested many times in your bait. Marlin and Sailfish are chasing baits and playing fish tag. Smash the bait and then they turn away. The only “favorite” species we have that aren’t eating Krill is Yellowfin Tuna. The fishing is great, but you have to keep at it. Lazy Captains and crews are coming up empty handed. Those putting the effort of changing bait, changing trolling speeds and have the fuel to find the fish are coming up winners.
Corbetena has been all over the map is seems. The rock is always alive, but there are times when you’ll need to venture out from the rock since the fish move, big surprise. When catching fish is limited by the fuel you’ll use, then you’re not in the game amigo. An example of this is the area north of Corbetena. Now from 7 to 15 miles north of the rock you’ll find Blue Marlin to 600 lbs, Sailfish of nice size, Yellowfin tuna from 20 to 60 lbs (but they’re moving around). Dorado bulls are anywhere from 20 to 50 lbs, trophy worthy for sure! To give you an idea of what I mean by “Hit & Run Fishing”, when trolling at Corbetena, you may have fifteen Dorado smash your bait, playing Tag with your presentation, but not take it. Out of those 15 Dorado chasing your bait on the surface is exciting to see, but it’s frustrating when you see them swim away. The funny thing is some of them will take your bait but those will be stuffed with Krill. It’s amazing, it’s like they’ve smoked some good “stuff” and now they’ve got the killer munchies. Picture this, a Dorado literally stuffed to the gills with Krill and they still take baits!? Finally, Corbetena is your best bang for your fuel dollar. Time to steal the wifeys credit card, blame me.

Punta Mita is alive and well showing signs or Striped and Blue Marlin anywhere from 7 to 12 miles off the point of Punta Nayarit aka Punta Mita. Don’t be surprised if you find the clean green water, which doesn’t seem to be an issue to the local species. It’s called “Clean Green” water, which is colder than the blue water and is normally an indication of seasonal current changes. Normally it’s not where you want to be dropping baits. This clean green water is from Punta Nayarit to two miles before you come to El Banco. Yet there are Marlin, Sailfish and Dorado aka Mahi to be found. The area last week from El Morro to the point was stuffed full of Sailfish as is normal for this time of the year. For now the species have spread out and it’s the luck of the day finding Sailfish for the next twenty minutes.
Inside the bay, things have changed. Dorado are plentiful, but they’re small and full of Krill, it’s a challenge. Sailfish are still running the bay, but they’re eating the baby Dorado, a delicacy for them. Interesting enough Jack Crevalles are coming back into the bay in good numbers, a little surprising this early. Tuna footballs are possible around Yelapa, but remember to chum to bring them up. The best action this week was around Estella Dera, and the area around Punta Negra in front of Garza Blanco hotel. I suggest six hours to get some distance and give you time to find the fish.

OK, here’s the secret stuff. The bite is happening early, be where you want to be around sun-up. With massive amounts of Krill, even flying fish are feeding them. So bait is plentiful in the form so Sardines, Flying fish, Google Eyes and the list goes on. Dead bait, that’s the secret and skirts on their nose is a variant that can be surprisingly effective. Lures that mimic Dorado colors are also strong. Strangely enough the La Nina effect is coming on. Water temperatures at the deep water locations are now 82 degrees. That’s a sharp drop from last week, but not surprising with the local current and wind charts. Capt. Cesar from Magnifico told me of a pod of 20 whales coming into the bay, so the Whales are moving in, hopefully helping us by eating this Krill “menace”.
It will be interesting to see if water temperatures snap back and increase a bit, you never know. Strange things can happen with La Nina. Things that seem negative, like Clean Green water are turning into a positive. Dead bait working when there is massive live bait is another contradiction. Early Season Whales, Jacks coming in, it looks like we’re not too far from the “fall” of the summer season. We may see an early winter season, but then again after we get the cold fall snap, things can improve. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, you can never go wrong with a beautiful day on the water.
Thanks for your support and until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Written by Stan Gabruk: Owner of Master Baiters. Sportfishing and Tackle…
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.