Written by Stan Gabruk

Fishing in Puerto Vallarta continues to be world class this week with all the most popular species. Marlin are picking up in numbers and size. Sailfish, Dorado and even Yellowfin Tuna are all at our world famous deep water fishing grounds with blue water everywhere and plenty of varied baits. Water temperatures are holding steady and of course the climate here in Puerto Vallarta is nicer every day as we enter high season in Puerto Vallarta.
Let’s get started, Corbetena this week has seen new life with Blue Marlin in the 200 to 350 lb range increasing in numbers, they’re hungry and taking bait. Black Marlin are a little thin, but in the same size range for now. Yellowfin Tuna are picking up in numbers and size running anywhere from 80 to 140 lbs! Sailfish are running the entire area as are some of the winter species like Jack Crevalles. Rainbow runners are back in area and are great tasting! With the full moon last week conditions are slow to change right now. Yellowfin Tuna are taking baits but the Tuna bite is happening late about 6 p.m. and early as the sun rises at 06:00 a.m. This will change as the moon gets a little more mature. With small Skipjacks in the 5 lb range in massive amounts is good news and will only keep the fish we have now around a little later into the season. For now a ten hour trip to Corbetena if targeting Marlin, Tuna and Sailfish is worth the fuel dollars. If targeting Dorado, they’re here at the rock as well running 20 to 35 lbs. So there you go, every catch a fish bigger than your car?
El Morro to Punta Mita is alive with action and possibilities. Sailfish are running the whole area up to Sayulita and are again picking up in numbers and size. Marlin are very possible about eight miles out off the point of Punta Mita. Rooster fish could be in the area as well at the surf line on sandy beaches. With plenty of bait in the area. Dorado are also running from 20 lbs to 30 lbs or possibly larger. And of course if you find any debris or trash in a large clump floating could be full of Dorado. For now if you’re targeting Dorado and Sailfish, then an eight hour trip is perfect for you. Feeling lucky?

Inside the bay is great! Plenty of arm burning action with Jack Crevalles to 35 lbs, Sailfish near Los Arcos for the lucky and of course plenty of Dorado running in the same area. If you’re near La Cruz you’ll find Jack Crevalles and Sailfish hanging out. Strange I know but there is a lot of action in the area. With water temperatures being seasonably low, we still have warm water species running the entire bay. Bonito to 20 lbs, Skip Jack Tuna running 6 to 8 lbs and are perfect bait size. Sierra Mackerels are back and are always an early bite. In fact a four hour trip in the middle of the bay isn’t expensive or complicated yet there are plenty of Dorado waiting for your bait amigo.

This week we had a full moon and that can cause all kinds of havoc but mostly for Tuna. For now we’re moving into a more mature moon and the conditions are almost perfect. Blue water, constant 81 degree water temperatures and plenty of varied bait species is a guarantee of arm burning action in our famous fishing grounds. The bite is a moving target right now, be where you want to be by 08:00 a.m. and you’ll be “right on time”. Live bait has been working well, but dead bait has been working for Marlin and Sailfish as well, so run at least one dead bait. Also Guacamayos or Dorado mimicking lures are also working well. So start there and if you discover something working, let me know so I can share it.

We are back to Sharing Boats again, and sign up for my weekly video fishing reports on YouTube. If you need tours or transfers, why not handle it all in one place, we make it easy! We also provide Airport Transfers and one stop shopping with our tour expert.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: 322 779 7571 or our international number is: (011 52) 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/ ..The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.