Written by: Stan Gabruk

Puerto Vallarta fishing is alive and well this week as we’re in the middle of the best time of the year to be fishing in PV. With dropping water temperatures the Dorado domination is starting to tick down. That doesn’t mean you won’t catch Dorado, it just won’t be automatic. Marlin that was mysteriously absent have begun moving in again, but they’re small, if a 400 lb Marlin can be considered small? Sailfish are also picking up in numbers as well, we’re normally stuffed full of Sailfish in a non La Nina year. If you get the idea things are mixed up, you’re right. We’re seeing warm water species mixed with cold water species. Which all adds up to great fishing in perfect conditions. Plenty of bait and perfect conditions at our world famous fishing grounds adds up to arm burning action and endless grins!
This past week we had our 65th Annual Marlin and Sailfish Tournament. The week earlier I was worried we wouldn’t have any Marlin for the tournament because there were none! All of a sudden the fish gods sent Marlin. The largest Marlin of the tournament was only 193 kilos or about 425 lbs. Not small by any stretch, but not big for a Marlin, especially for a tournament winner. Corbetena was the place to be with mostly blue Marlin running the neighborhood. Sailfish are also in the area, they’re smaller as they’re “late” and just now beginning to move in with numbers finally increasing. Dorado are in the 20 to 35 lb range and plentiful. Yellowfin Tuna are more or less AWOL. Yes there are some, but they’re small and sparse. This could change after you read this, but I don’t’ think so. Unless you’re targeting Marlin, or Yellowfin Tuna, you’d be better off at fishing grounds closer in. For now that is.

The area from the Marietta islands and El Morro to Punta Mita is still much the same. Sailfish have been hanging around the back side of El Morro and there have been several Sails boated in this area when nobody is looking in this direction. Dorado are everywhere, but if you find a floating log or some sort of debris, it could be a Dorado goldmine. Of course there are Bonito mixed in with the Dorado and it seems to be a competition as to which species gets to your bait first. And if you’re in the area of ten miles or so off the point of Punta Mita, if lucky you’re find Blue and Striped Marlin, feeling lucky?
Inside the bay is incredible. We had a different tournament two weeks ago and there were plenty of Dorado to go around. With Dorado being the dominant species again the middle of the bay is alive with action. So a four hour trips will get you the arm burning action you crave, I still suggest six hours because fish move and what happened yesterday is no guarantee for tomorrow. With Jack Crevalls over 25 lbs, Sierra Mackerels moving in and Needle fish, aka False Marlin. Strange looking fish, fun to catch and great tasting, you’ll have fun catching them. Freak Sailfish are still running the Los Arcos area and near La Cruz at the other end of the bay. With so many Dorado in the bay most people are ignoring the other species, I understand that for sure. One thing for sure is you won’t go wrong fishing in the bay right now!

It’s hard to nail down the bite right now so be where you want to be by 08:00! Bait is plentiful in the rom of Bonito, Skip Jack Tuna, Flying fish, Green Runners, Sardines, you name it, it’s out there. Water temperatures are hovering at 81 to 83 degrees. Keep an eye on the water temps as they may come back up as they did in the last La Nina! One surprising thing is dead bait is working very well. Not sure why, but run a dead bait, change sizes. And also run some Dorado mimicing lures like a Guacamayos!

We are back to Sharing Boats again, and sign up for my weekly video fishing reports on YouTube. If you need tours or transfers, why not handle it all in one place, we make it easy! We also provide Airport Transfers and one stop shopping with our tour expert.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: 322 779 7571 or our international number is: (011 52) 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/ ..The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.