Well, we made it past the holidays with decent fishing if not challenging. When it comes to Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta, right now anything is possible. From Corbetena to Punta Nayarit (aka Punta Mita) it’s a real mixed bag and if you don’t have the inside scoop, you’re struggling. For the last few weeks we’ve seen a rollercoaster of water temperatures, crazy currents, massive amounts of Krill (aka whale food), Blue water, Clean Green water, you name it, we’ve been dealing with it. Some days the fishing is on fire, other days they’re nowhere to be found and even worse, when you do find them, they won’t take bait. We’ve seen this all before and the experienced captains know what to do. So what’s the answer, for now we’re throwing the “kitchen sink” at them, once again demonstrating how important a “bag of tricks” at the ready is! Even with massive amounts of bait in the water lures will still “work”. But things will be changing soon, our warm water summer species of Marlin and Tuna will be bugging out soon. For now if you’re lucky enough to be in Puerto Vallarta fishing, you’ve still got time to get that “Bucket List” finned fantasy before we transition to winter species.

This week once again Corbetena has been challenging. For the moment Jack Crevalls from 35 to 50 lbs have pretty much taken over the “rock”. Normally we don’t take a ten hour trip for Jack Crevalles, but they’re not the only species in the area, Yellowfin tuna to 45 lbs have been running the area. One problem, there are so many Jack Crevalles you can’t get your bait in front of the Tuna! But no worries, there is still plenty of great fishing just north a few miles. Spinner Dolphin have moved back into the area again and with pods from North Corbetena to El Banco 40 lb Yellowfin Tuna are running with them. Well about half the pods have Tuna travel companions, let’s put it that way. You can run into Clean Green water or Blue water, for now it doesn’t keep fish from roaming the area so we’re not too concerned about this. Right now there are those Squids that are about one inch with shells which are a favorite food. Striped Marlin have been chowing down on these making it difficult to turn their heads, but they will “smash” your lure. At means they will hit it and run. Blue Marlin running 350 lbs are also running the area and are taking bait as well. For the moment a ten hour trip may not be your best bang for your fishing dollar. There is plenty of natural bait like Skip Jack Tuna so this will change hopefully soon. Stay tuned.

The entire area from El Morro to the point of Nayarit if a fisherman’s playground. Sailfish, Amber Jacks, Cubera Snappers to 80 lbs (!), but you need to use a downrigger. Dorado from 30 to 50 lbs (that’s right I said 50 lbs), Bonito to 20 lbs, Jack Crevalles naturally. Find a floating log or dead whale or something of this nature and you’ve found a “fish factory”. From El Morro to the point of Punta Nayarit is the place to be this week. But remember, just like the last few weeks the five to six mile point is where the action is happening. Once you’re outside of that the fishing gets slim and until you pass the ten mile mark you’ll be scratching your head wondering where they went. Information like this will make or break your day. For now this is your best bang for your fishing dollar amigos.

Inside the bay things are slowing down a bit. With massive and I mean massive amounts of Krill or Whale Food in the bay, even the bait is hitting the Krill. Some krill is tiny, the size of a pea and they’re red. The water in some areas around Los Arcos looks like red tide, but it’s Krill, in large areas as well. So this is the challenge. Having said that we’re looking again at Jack Crevalles to 40 lbs, Bonito to 25 lbs, Skip jack Tuna to 12 lbs. Sierra Mackerels, a normally reliable species seem to have taken a powder, strange. There are still some Dorado at Los Arcos, but they’re smaller so remember to release the babies. If bay fishing give yourself six hours to get to the south end of the bay where the best action is happening now.
Ok, we’ve got swirling currents which means it’s a real mixed bag. When we say “bag of tricks” that means lures. What’s working, that changes daily. So run a Rapalla, a live bait, popper and whatever looks like it could work. For now it’s a bit of a learning process and different colors work on different days. Good luck with that one. Throw the kitchen sink at them then share what’s working that day! Water temperatures are more of prediction now than reporting. Find the warmer water and you’ll have action. Many fish we’re boating have eggs, so the breeding could be one of the problems taking bait. The bite is still 09:00 so heading out at 07:00 is a good time to leave the dock.

Thanks for your continued support and until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle.

The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.