Well it’s been a hell of a week. It seems we’re in a Hurricane pattern and for the last couple to three weeks we’ve been looking at the weather maps. Finally as we see Black Marlin move into the area, perfect Tournament Season timing, we’ve been focused on weather issues. The good news is for Puerto Vallarta, is Hurricane Rosyln was basically a “non-event”. We got some rain, some wind and frankly it’s the only Hurricane I’ve ever slept through. We don’t really know what we’re going to have since the Hurricane Roslyn has just passed us. But we’re in “High Season” for fishing and you can’t stop PV when it comes to world class fishing.

Corbetena was firing on all cylinders with Blue Water, massive amounts to bait and every species you’re looking for. Sailfish, Dorado are expected, Yellowfin Tuna are varying in size with some, not too many in the “bucket list” category. Yellowfin this past week continued to average between 40 to 60 lbs. But there were several, not many, boated over 100 lbs and some over 200 lbs. Black Marlin are running from 350 to 600 lbs. Blue Marlin are more or less in the same size range. Remembering fish are spread out, the secret is putting in the time and using fuel, the “F” word these days. I’m sure there’s plenty of debris in the water so any log can be a Dorado goldmine. El Banco or The Bank, well I’m pretty sure there are big, black Marlin around the high spots, it would be nice if we had some reports from this area. Frankly with the arm burning action closer in, Corbetena is the focus area. Post Hurricane Rosyln Update: Two days after Hurricane Roslyn passed we thought it would be find, condition wise, to send people fishing in this area. The water was fine regarding swells, but the water was dirty. The Hurricane stirred up the silt that lies on the sea floor. Now the conditions have returned, blue water, bait and Sailfish numbers are picking up as expected. For now the conditions and the the fishing is back on track!
At El Morro towards Corbetena Sailfish have been picking up in numbers. Rooster fish are a possible, but I have no reports. Heading towards Punta Mita (Punta Nayarit now) Dorado have been running the entire area. Sailfish are also in the game, they’ve been hanging about five to seven miles from shore at the point. Blue Marlin about 15 miles off the point and if heading north of Sayulita any sandy beach with structure could turn into a day to remember. Water is mostly blue, bait is abundant and for those targeting Sailfish, this is a great option. Post Hurricane Update: The entire area now from El Morro to Punta Mita is now just stuffed with Sailfish and Dorado.

The bay is still one of your best options. If looking for a shorter day, say six hours, you’ve still got a shot at a freak Sailfish. Dorado are still the dominant species in the area, especially in the south end of the bay. Anywhere south of Los Muertos Pier to Los Arcos is fertile fishing grounds. Water has been mostly clean, after the hurricane it will take a day or two to clean up. By the time you read this, the bay is already clean and in play. One suggestion, with the recent rains and the amount of trash floating around in the bay, leave a bit later so you can see obstacles. And ounce of caution is worth its weight in Dorado!

At the time I wrote this article we don’t really know if this Hurricane was good or bad for the local fishing. Inside the bay is a no brainer, six hours will be budget friendly, yet action packed. Perfect for family fishing or professional level angling, either way you’ll have a wonderful day on the water. For now the bite is a bit later, but the clocks will be “falling” back next week so departure just before the sun comes up is optimal. The bite is a touch earlier, but that accounts for the sunrise which means for now the bite is still about 09:30, which means next week it’s 08:30, plan accordingly. With plenty of bait in the area, dead bait at times can be the secret. Strange I know, if you could think like a fish, then it would all be easy. I can’t figure out my plants, so I’m no help. If you’re like me, be ready to throw color, dead baits, poppers and the other basics. Something is going to work, hopefully you’ll have what works. Fishing is great and we’re moving into tournament season. If interested in participating, contact me and we’ll fill you in and fix you up.
Thanks for your support and like always, until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.