Surprisingly Great P.V. Fishing Continues

On a weekly basis now, I seem to be the biggest pessimist in the area. I keep thinking the fishing is going to turn and I’m sending people out “hoping” they catch fish. Then my crews send me pictures and I turn into an optimist. So I give up, the fishing is great until further notice. Why would I say this, because the fishing in Puerto Vallarta is much better than I would expect it to be! Even with cool water temperatures, several of our warm water species are still hanging around and the only reason is bait. Krill, Sardines, Goggle eyes, Flying fish and the list seems endless. So we now know, bait trumps cold water. I’ve learned my lesson and my inner optimist is excited for what news the next fishing day will bring. This week we saw Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna and Dorado and if that doesn’t turn you into an optimist, when winter species should be moving in, then you may have turned into ‘me’!
World Class Fishing the Tres Maria Islands for Monster Yellowfin Tuna, Some important Facts You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else!

Before I move on, you legally can’t fish within twelve miles of Madre Island. Now in the winter time this doesn’t work for the Southern California boats because they’re trying to make their year, avoid the slow season of winter in California. But here’s the deal nobody is telling these California anglers, it’s not easy catching Yellowfin Tuna when the navy is busy chasing the boat you rented out. You see, these boats are fishing well within six miles of the island and frankly if you want to catch Yellowfin Tuna in February, you have to be on the reefs, the most sensitive part of the ecosystem. What the Navy does, they come and board your boat, have a nice, sometimes heated conversation with the Mexican navy protecting this area. The results these days are the Navy grabs the boat, the crew and everyone onboard and force them to go to the Island. There they’ll be held for the day if you’re lucky. The navy knows the Anglers on the boat are innocent and know nothing about them patrolling the area. But the captain, the crew and the owners are not telling you about this. You aren’t hitting these islands at the optimal time of the year!
The Striped Marlin, Grouper & the Krill Rollercoaster

This past week was a real Rollercoaster. The good news is Striped Marlin are north of Sayulita. Grouper are in their “holes” in the bay. And of course we still have our fill of Krill. Here we are in late February and we’re still seeing our late summer species hanging around. With water temperatures at what looks like a seasonal low, Grouper and Sea Bass are gracing the bay. Those with families and short budgets can find plenty of “Action Fishing” in the bay.
Green Water, Billfish and Challenging Conditions

When People ask me “when is the best time of the year to go fishing in Puerto Vallarta”? My normal response is the first two weeks of November or the first two weeks of December. I’ve been saying this for years as those are the down times for tourism in between the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year, being a La Nina year, the calendar has changed seasons early and what was on fire last week, is cooling down a little more each day. The longer duration trips are still coming up winners, but blue water is scarce. With Swirling currents and massive amounts of bait moving into the area in the form of Krill, remember none of this is new to experienced captains. What is new or unusual is the “La Nina” factor that throws the whole “seasonal clock” into disarray. Those looking for larger Dorado, Marlin and Sailfish need to get on the water before the summer species bug out. For now the fishing is still “worth” the effort. But the clock is ticking and the summer fishing season will be over soon.
Breeding Season Fishing, Swirling Currents and La Nina

Normally at this time of the year we don’t talk much about “breeding” fish. But normally we don’t have to deal with La Nina. Normally we don’t have species like Dorado in the area in the middle of “winter” fishing, even though It’s Spring. So much of the frustration we’re seeing in our fishing season is from species that “shouldn’t be here”. We all know it’s a “mixed up season”. So the locals are full of eggs and we have to deal with that. The good news is Jack Crevalles are taking bait again. Dorado that are here are still fickle, but beginning to take surface baits. Striped Marlin and Sailfish, again two species that are either “super early” for their normal season are showing signs of taking bait. With strange water temperatures and currents, species that shouldn’t “be” here, are because of La Nina, it can be hard to figure out. But the silver lining is the bay fishing is incredible with smaller species, like normal. And as the remaining Whales filter out, the near future for fishing in Puerto Vallarta is looking better by the day!
Marlin Return, Corbetena & El Banco Dorado Surprise

“Things” this week are really mixed up. When you stop and think about fishing, we all naturally assume water temperatures are pretty much the same at all our fishing grounds. But when you’re fishing in Puerto Vallarta you know fishing logic many times doesn’t apply. Right now as cold water is moving in daily, there are still some “hot spots” where you’ll find Marlin and Sailfish. Then again inside the bay the water temperatures are still dropping as expected. La Nina threw a monkey wrench into this year’s fishing schedule. As a result you can find your favorite summer species and winter species at the same time. It’s the one time of the year you can do that but only for a short time, now would be that time!
Fishing in PV, Krill the Fish Monkey Wrench Dominate the Fishing Grounds

If you’ve been reading my weekly reports you know that we’re now in the middle of the best time of the year to get that “Bucket List” fish of a lifetime. But that doesn’t mean fishing is a “No-Brainer” at all. There are always challenges when fishing and sometimes a blessing can turn into a challenge as well. For now we’ve seen the action take a step back as more of those Krill Shrimps move into the area. Dorado, Sailfish etc. are still taking baits, but when you open up the “bait”, they’re full of Krill. Not impossible to overcome, but when you’re on fish and they won’t take your bait, it could be the Krill!
It’s all About Dorado and Sailfish

After what I thought might be a temporary thing, Dorado numbers have exploded. In fact fishing in Puerto Vallarta is all about Dorado right now. It’s now October, the fishing from now until hopefully New Year’s will be the best of the year. The local climate is calming down and it feels like an early winter. But for now a bay trip to Corbetena is well worth the time and money. With mostly dirty water, once you’re past the Marietta islands things change. If you’re in the south end of the bay, things are different and now even larger Dorado are in the bay. So sit back and let the Dorado Show begin.
Picking a Charter Company, What You Don’t know Will Hurt You Part 1 of 2

Written by Stan Gabruk Introduction: I wrote this article last year for a local publication last year and thought it’s good to revisit this article and remind folks that we’re coming into High Season for Fishing. Most people assume our high season is in the winter. Tourism likes the cooler weather, fishing favors the hot […]
Finally Fishing, Yellowfin Tuna, Cold Water, Cubera Snapper & Bass

After weeks and weeks of Yellowfin Tuna ignoring any bait put in front of them things are finally changing. My good friend Joel called the shop today to let me know I was full of “BS” and that there were Tuna hitting baits like Poppers and Goggle eyes at Corbetena. Well I had to laugh because I publish articles on the web and on my webpage. I always update the web page, but I can’t update articles in the PV Mirror for instance. But Joel is right, about three days after my last article things changed. Now I’m not talking about anything drastic, but small changes are better than no changes. One nice change is Yellowfin Tuna are still at Corbetena and the YF Tuna are taking baits again finally. That can only mean that the three inch Squids which are still there are finally thinning in numbers. Finally a trip to Corbetena is worth the effort and the fuel expense, YeHa!