Fishing in Puerto Vallarta, La Nina, Whale Food and Fishing Challenges

Welcome to another week of winter fishing in Puerto Vallarta. Yes, I said winter fishing, but that’s not quite right. In fact, it’s another week of La Nina fishing. Now you all know we get El Nino and the opposite of this is La Nina. That means what we would normally expect, isn’t happening. Water temps are what’s throwing the fishing community into a loop. Normally at this time of the year we’d be looking at less than 70 degree water temperatures. Right now we’re looking at 74 degrees, unchanged now for three weeks, unusual at best. This does is throw the entire “fishing calendar” off. We should be seeing Red Snappers, Bass, Grouper and several other winter species. There is normally a six to ten week window we get for this great fishing in the bay. This year it isn’t happening. Now it may still happen, but for now it’s not. So the Question remains, what is happening?
Mixed Bag Fishing, Striped Marlin, Dorado and Football Yellowfin Tuna

So here we go again, transitional season, pull your hair out trying to figure out what we “have” here in Puerto Vallarta’s fishing grounds. As you should expect with dropping water temperatures in mid-January things can get confusing. Dorado are still in the area, but that’s not saying much. We are still seeing Blue Marlin, but nothing automatic. Sailfish have bugged out, but now Wahoo are starting to make an appearance. I told people all last week to forget about Dorado in the bay and then Wham! Dorado are in the bay. The only thing I can say for sure is Corbetena and El Banco are hardly showing a pulse!
Water Temperatures Drop, Marlin Numbers Thin, Dorado the Dominant Species

It looks like change is coming. Water temperatures have dropped drastically this week. Water is dirty, not unusual but very late in the season. Dorado is the dominant species right now but with lower water temperatures things could change soon. With changing currents this will bring the dirty water and the cooler water temperatures. It’s very early in the season for a drop of this magnitude, obviously this is the result of La Nina. It’s interesting that when the water temps dropped, the whales showed up. Also there are a few whales in the bay now. So things are changing, but the fishing surprising enough is still pretty good.
Fishing in PV, Krill the Fish Monkey Wrench Dominate the Fishing Grounds

If you’ve been reading my weekly reports you know that we’re now in the middle of the best time of the year to get that “Bucket List” fish of a lifetime. But that doesn’t mean fishing is a “No-Brainer” at all. There are always challenges when fishing and sometimes a blessing can turn into a challenge as well. For now we’ve seen the action take a step back as more of those Krill Shrimps move into the area. Dorado, Sailfish etc. are still taking baits, but when you open up the “bait”, they’re full of Krill. Not impossible to overcome, but when you’re on fish and they won’t take your bait, it could be the Krill!
Water Temps Drop Again, Roosters in Sayulita, Freak Fishing

With a title like that, you must be wondering what this is all about. We’ve been waiting for the “cold” water all winter. Well it’s finally here as we see another dip in water temperatures and an increase in Krill squids and shrimp, Sardines and more. With massive amounts of bait it can present a challenge to get fish to take your offering or presentation (aka baits). Everyone is catching fish, some days are better than others. But if you don’t catch fish now, you must be either jinxed or on a boat with an “unlucky” captain. All and all the fishing is great, short days, longer durations, it doesn’t matter so get on the water already!!
¨Summer¨ fishing in March with Marlin, Tuna, Sailfish!

You know I can´t figure it out, we have winter species in the bay like Jack Crevalls, Needle Fish, Sierra Mackerals. Then we have the summer species of Marlin, Tuna, Wahoo and Sailfish in the same waters at the same time. Yes folks this is El Nino with it´s scrambled egg approach to fishing. We don´t know what to expect on a weekly basis, but we do know there are big fish at El Banco and Corbetena. We have Sailfish around the Marietta and Punta Mita area with Rooster fish. Then we have freak fishing situations like Blue Marlin being boated in the Bay. So fishing right now is like a trend we should ride and not get too much into the ¨why it´s happening now¨, just keep reeling!
Sailfish, Marlin, Dorado, Wahoo, & Long Liners!

People come in my shop all the time and want to discuss fishing and many other things. This week I found myself talking about how we have fish everywhere and where there are fish there are long liners killing your chances as the issue remains unsolved and those in the position of authority remain uninterested. Fishing is great, but don´t have expectations around the Long Liners, the good news is we can avoid them but you´ll be using more fuel than you should have to.
With Long Liners Gone Fishing Improves Significantly

In the world of Deep Sea Fishing the only ¨constant¨ is that nothing stays the same for long. With a drastic drop in water temperatures last week I thought we had seen the best fishing fade away for the rest of the year. Then the Illegal Long Liners bugged out, and the fishing improved greatly. Water temperatures are still at 80 degrees which I would say is cold for these warm water species, but in San Diego where the water temps are considerably colder they´re still boating Marlin and Dorado. So what does this all mean? Your guess is as good as mine, but if they´re ¨playing¨ in colder water up north that means the season if far from over for Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado and we even have Wahoo in the area. Now if we could find a way to coax a Yellowfin Tuna in the area we´d be happy campers!