Written by Stan Gabruk

Two weeks ago I was a little scared that we may have seen our best fishing of the year with the announcement of La Nina. Water temps dropped like a rock and the fish bugged out after Pamela. Last week we had an improvement with some Dorado showing up in good numbers. But now, the Krill don’t seem to be an issue, but they’re still around. Bait is abundant if the form of Skipjack Tuna (aka Skippies). Goggle Eyes, Green Runners, Flying fish, you name it. Marlin moved back in, Yellowfin Tuna aren’t huge but they’re 60 lbs and the story just starts there. For those presently in PV and looking to go fishing, now would be a good time to “break the bank” or sneak out with the wifeys credit card. It’s ok, you can blame me, it wouldn’t be the first time!First, El Banco, dead as a doornail which mean soon it will be the place to be. But for this very second in time, Corbetena is a much better option. First off, Marlin are back! Black and Blue all running in the 300 to 450 lb range. Yellowfin Tuna are always in and out, but 60 to 80 lb average Yellowfin Tuna with some over 100 lbs and the slim as cellophane possibility of much bigger if the fish gods are with you! Dorado and Sailfish of course. Blue water, plenty of surface baits. Cool water temperatures could be your friend because Yellowfin Tuna love the surface water which is warmer at times. Balloons and kites could be the secret. Expect blue water, but there could be patches of red tide, that’s a bad thing! Pretty wide open right now, well worth your fuel dollar, finally, look for me out there!
The fishing grounds from El Morro to Punta Mita have a less extensive menu of available species, but none the less, this area is well worth your fuel dollar. With Sailfish numbers picking up you can now expect between 3 to 5 strikes on good days. Maybe no strikes on bad days. Then the next day.. You get the drift. Be prepared to move from locations that have no action. Be sure you ask about that before renting a fishing company. Dorado are very available and good sized from 20 to 35 lbs. find a log and it’s a Dorado gold mine. And they’re close in, 3 to 5 miles off the Point of Punta Mita. Live bait seems to be working best here, but run a lure anyway.

Inside the bay we’re seeing some strange and amazing things. Sailfish and Dorado have been turning into a daily thing this week. With little rain, as we exit the summer season we will have fewer days of dirty water and seasonal rain. Sierra Mackerels have shown up again surprisingly in the mouth of Marina Vallarta before sunup. Not too many Jack Crevalles, but there is plenty of action in the bay. Not hearing much about Rooster fish of any size, please throw the babies back. Six hour trips are recommended in the bay, just gets you a little deeper into the bay. You may even see an early and stray Whale out there!

Water temps are at 84, we would normally have between 56 to 90 degrees, so we’re in a cooling trend. Normally this stops at about this temperature and will in fact, if history can be our guide, could warm up late in the fish calendar so don’t discount a post January trip. Fishing everywhere drops off around the April / May timeframe. But this could change and see Striped Marlin all winter season. The bite is strangely enough still after 09:00 to mid-morning. Plenty of bait, use live bait and lures, start with the usual colors. Stay away from the red tide which doesn’t seem to be a major issue right now. Be on the watch out for Whales, keep your speeds reasonable in the bay. Finally, we have fishing like we wait for all year! Don’t forget we do tours, Airport transfers, Private tours, Ideals, just ask. Fishing in PV is Back!

Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: 322 779 7571 or our international number is: (011 52) 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/ ..The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.