Written by Stan Gabruk

If you’re an experienced captain, you’re very excited about the near perfect water and fishing conditions. You’re also pulling your hair out because we do have fish, but we also still have massive amounts of Krill in the form of Squid and Shrimps. Krill, aka Whale Food is in the area about a month early. Which means all the “locals” are stuffing themselves on some gourmet baits amigo. But, of course that’s not all, we have cooling water temperatures! Why, well last Thursday La Nina officially began and we’re seeing some swift “fish” reactions. So that’s the story this week, cooling water, massive Krill and everything with “Gills” and fins are chowing down. Welcome to “Lucky” fishing.
So let’s get started… Corbetena has blue water, plenty of Skipjack Tuna for bait, cooling water temperatures but still in the correct fishing range. Basically perfect fishing conditions, what I’ve left out is the Krill Shrimps and Squids. Yes folks this is Whale food and everything with a fin or gills is feeding on this “gourmet bait”. The good news is we have seen some Blue Marlin in the area, one Blue Marlin has been boated this week and I’d like to tell you it was caught at the Rock, but it wasn’t, more on this later. So the bottom line is we have Sailfish, Dorado, Cubera Snappers and Yellowfin Tuna, that’s the good news. The bad news is Krill is the only thing they’re eating. Now the Krill moved in last week, I was thinking they’d be moving out, but maybe they won’t be. Only time will tell, but for now, and I mean that loosely, maybe you should wait a few days before heading to Corbetena. God I hate saying that.
The one bright side on all of this is the area between El Morro and Punta Mita is the fact Dorado are all over the place. But here’s the deal, find a log, floating trash or some debris and that’s your opportunity to catch Dorado. Find something like this and it could be a Dorado Goldmine. Sailfish are in the area roaming around, they’re eating Krill also. Then if you run lures, live bait, dead bait and pray, you might get a Sailfish Strike or even a Blue Marlin strike. Even the Jack Crevalles are chowing down on Krill. You feeling the frustration of all the captains yet?

And then we come to inside the bay. Yes there are massive amounts of Krill and Skipjack Tuna including baby bonito for the “locals” to choose from. Kinda makes your “presentation”, as some call it, taken seriously. Now will they take a trolled bait, yes, but not too many amigos. Will people catch some fish and then post like it’s happening everywhere and easily, yes. But don’t be fooled, the fishing in the bay is much the same at Corbetena. One nice difference is there are always Tuna off Yelapa if you know how to get their attention, but they may be stuffing themselves on Krill as well. There was a Striped Marlin boated four days ago in the bay off Los Arcos. Freak thing, but then again, who knows. Scary thing is we shouldn’t be seeing Striped Marlin at all. Still, in the bay you have an opportunity at Dorado, Bonito, Jack Crevalles, Yellowfin Tuna at Yelapa and the possibility of a hungry Sailfish off the beaten path. Feeling lucky?

Sorry you had to read through all that, but it’s accurate. So here is the real deal, water temps hit as low as 84 after the latest passing Hurricane. This is cold water for October, hence La Nina. I’ve seen this before and expect water temps to inch their way up. But at this moment, we’re seeing cool currents and “full” fish. It’s the kind of conditions that make you pull your hair out, but don’t. The bottom line, wait a few days and check-in with me when ready to head out. I post my video fishing reports later in the week, check them out and maybe things will change. But for now, sit tight and see what develops. If you head out, expect Skipjacks that have been running about 12 lbs. Now you’ll catch a bunch of those and frankly they’re fun to catch and eat. So if you’re not jaded and willing to have some arm burning action then this is the species to target. The good news is you don’t have to go far to find them! Finally it’s almost impossible to determine the bite, but figure at 08:00 be where you want to be. And that’s it in a nutshell …
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: 322 779 7571 or our international number is: (011 52) 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/ ..The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.