Well, it’s starting. We’re seeing another massive infusion of Smaller Sardines and other baits moving into the area on top of what’s already out there. To call this whole area “Bait Landia” would not be an exaggeration. Water temperatures are staying steady between 73 and 75 degrees. The days are longer now, the water is warming on the surface and the “Seasonal Change” indicators are kicking in again. Soon we’ll be changing the clocks here in Mexico, I understand North America has already changed. Normally we get past Easter before we see the drastic results of swirling and clashing currents which result in coffee colored dirty water. Mix that in with the “clean green” and then the green water that looks like coffee is frustrating. There are some blue spots of water out past Corbetena a bit and of course north of El Banco. With this being a La Nina Year, we may be seeing the regular seasonal patterns returning to normal.
After weeks now of the same “cookie cutter” reports, things haven’t changed much at Corbetena. It seems there are even more Jack Crevalles moving into the area around the rock of Corbetena. And don’t forget the Bonito and the Skip Jack Tuna which round out the scenario happening now. Those looking for these species will be well served. But why go thirty five miles out to catch the same species in the bay? So, as I am sure you understand, no captains are heading out this way. Now there could be some different action outside of the rock, but you’d have to be way outside the area before you had a possibility of Sailfish for example. For now, until further notice, look elsewhere if thinking about fishing in Puerto Vallarta.

When it comes to the Punta Nayarit area (aka Punta Mita), where there were Dorado in decent numbers have been replaced with mid-sized Jack Crevalles running 20 lbs or so. Bonito and Skip Jack Tuna are thick as well. Now if you’re willing to take a 10 hr. trip, you’ve got a better chance of boating a Sailfish or Striped Marlin, but under 10 hrs. is “iffy” at best. On top of that, the water is a clean green, some areas are the dirty coffee colored water which is normally more spread out than in spots. It’s transition time and it’s all happening early, but we can deal with it. Having said that, if you still want to hit this area, there is the outside chance of a Dorado or Sailfish. Forget the Rooster fish, they’ve bugged out. But there are Sardines, tiny Sardines that the Rooster fish will follow and the other local species will chow down on. So anything right now is possible. Remember three to five miles out is where the action is. Stay tuned.

Inside the bay, it’s the same as Corbetena and the point of Punta Nayarit. It’s all about Jack Crevalles, Bonito and Skip Jack Tuna in the bay. Sierra Mackerels are doing well also and they’re great eating if only 12 lbs max. With the warming water temperatures there could still be some bottom fishing for Striped Bass in the smaller sizes. Grouper too. Again the bay has clean green water and the coffee dirty water in spots. For now your best bang for your fishing dollar is a four to six hour fishing trip. Six hours give you time to get farther south in the bay and many times that can make all the difference.
With the short report, I have some “extra” space this week and I’d like to share some information. We have a place here called the Tres Maria Islands. It’s a famous fishery, breeding ground for Yellowfin Tuna. I’ve been there a few times myself, but lately the southern California companies have been coming down on their off season to try and make some extra money from those in Southern California spending $$ chasing off season species. Now I can go into serious details about how the Galapagos Islands have nothing on the Tres Maria Islands and that’s the reason you have to stay 10 miles off the islands. Naturally those coming down on the off season have to fish closer to the islands. Unknown to most of these fishing over the protected reefs, they’re too close in to fish legally! When these boats, locals included, get “cocky” they think they can run from the “marina”. Marina is the navy that handles all the water protection and law enforcement in Mexico. The reason I’m mentioning this is because they’ve gotten upset with these commercial fisherman well within six miles of the island, not the legal twelve miles. In some cases these commercial boats fishing with ten people or so are being pulled into the Navy Marina Docks. Remember, if you have any questions on the Tres Marias or anything about fishing feel free to ask.

With the clean green water, dirty water and spotty blue water north of El Banco it’s difficult to suggest where to go and what to do. Be advised for now most of the species in the area are full of eggs. The bite is still at 10:00.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish !

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.