Signs of Improvement, Sailfish Taking Bait, Bay Marlin

All and all things have not changed much from last week. We still have perfect conditions, perfect water temperatures and more than enough bait. The water is blue, the seas are fairly smooth and frankly the only thing that that could make it all perfect are the seasonal Gamefish we´re still waiting to see. But there are signs of change, Sailfish are taking bait, Dorado are still small, but increasing in numbers and while there is a too much bait in the water, they have a chink in their fish armor. While still held for fish, we´re optimistic and we should see some positive changes by next week, I think, but then again, I´ve been wrong before, just ask my ex-wife.
Summer Like Conditions, Dorado Small, Sailfish Fickle
This week we´re looking at similar conditions as we have had for the last couple of weeks. As mentioned Sailfish are the main players around the bay for the time being. Sailfish are showing up in larger numbers off the point of Punta Mita from five to ten miles. Dorado as well off the Anclote Reef and buoys near Sayulita. Buoys are your friend amigo if you can find one. Dorado, which have been mostly on the smaller side, will be running about 15 to 20 lbs. These are throw back sized fish and any self respecting sportsman will throw them back. You may find some Snappers in smaller sizes of 10 to 15 lbs, perfect for the dinner table, fun on light tackle. Those heading to San Pancho will have had no better luck than around the point of Punta Mita or the Marietta Islands….
Spring Fishing in March, Summer Species Hang!
As the northern states and Canada seem to be under Freezer like conditions, we´re seeing warmer than normal weather as El Nino begins to raise its head with Pacific water temperatures well above the 70 degree range as water temperatures remain about 79 degrees. This is very comfortable for Marlin, Yellowfin, Dorado and of course Sailfish. Winter species are mixed in as well with Jack Crevalls, Snappers, Needle fish and of course Sierra Mackerals. It´s mixed up out there for sure. The upside, there are fish everywhere and they´re waiting for you to come out and play!
Warm Water Keeps Dorado, Sails and Rooster fish in PV
To be straight up with my loyal readers, all 54 of you, February is not the best month of the year to be fishing here in Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay to be exact. Not that the fishing is lacking, but because most people are looking for Monster fish like Marlin, Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna and Wahoo to name a few. Now we still have Dorado, Rooster fish and Sailfish if you are in the right location, which is not in the bay amigo. Yes we´re moving into winter fishing which means Jack Crevalls coming out of our ears, billions of Sierra Mackerals that are great tasting, but not large.
Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Rooster Fish, Wahoo!
Just like a rubber band, fishing has snapped back after yet another unsuspected Hurricane a thousand miles out to sea! Yes this is a long way, but it still puts high pressure on the water, which of course chases the fish in the area out. For now We´re also seeing Wahoo at Corbeteña, Rooster Fish at the Marietta Islands, Dorado and Sails at Punta Mita. Yes folks, fishing has turned the corner as the days get shorter and the temperatures come back into more normal ranges. Puerto Vallarta is beginning to rock amigos, time to get your butt in gear.
World Class Sportfishing Explodes, Catch a Finned Fantasy Now!
Lets´ just go straight to the bottom line, El Banco and Corbeteña, take your pick, Big Black Marlin pushing 700 lbs are turning into tournament winners at your favorite secret spot. Yellowfin Tuna, we have your addiction covered with 250 lb and larger at the rock and on top of the high spots at El Banco. It doesn´t really matter where you are go, you´ll be boating fish we mostly talk about for nine months and fantasize about for the summer! Seriously, no fluff, the fishing is what our jaded clients and locals have come to expect. So you won´t find much fanfare, this is what is supposed to happen anyway.
80 lb Cubera Snappers, 400 lb Black Marlin, Bait City!
The Marietta Islands have been hot and cold, hence the pedal to the metal title. Some days last week, too much bait, couldn´t get a strike for nothing! But boy has that changed. Dorado in the 35 lb range are all around the island. Red Snappers to 30 lbs and abundant, Bonito, Sierra Mackerals, Sailfish and even some Rooster fish (not many). Roosters could be coming in now, so stay tuned, this would be great for the fly fishing or light tackle guys! Anything is possible right now, so get out there. With Spinner Dolphin in the area the Football Yellowin Tuna (Footballs) are in the 40 to50 lb size range, so keep an eye pealed! Eight hour trips are well worth the time and the fuel dollar, so get out there, this is fishing season, and it´s a great season!
Champagne days of Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta
Normally in December we see the turn of the season, the days are cooler, the evening cold to those who live here in Puerto Vallarta Year Round. This December as yet has been unseasonably warm keeping our world famous fishing grounds warm and abundant with fish! A machine for Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna. Dorado are still strong around the Marietta Islands, with some nice bulls still hanging out around ignored El Morro. With empty fishing grounds, the seasonal Sportsman has everything he could possibly want. Perfect temperatures, blue water, abundant fishing, deserted fishing grounds, it´s like you´re in the 50´s but with newer equipment. For a short time every year the conditions come together and form the Champaign days of Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta.
Corbeteña Quiets, Water temperature up slightly, Plenty of Bait, Strong Currents
Everyone knows that when October finally arrives Pesca or Fishing will be at it´s yearly best. Magazines and fishing programs know this as they begin to move into the area where they will document and film our World Class Fishing. The area between Puerto Vallarta to Cabo San Lucas will soon turn into Tournament city. The largest of which occurs mid October in Cabo San Lucas with the Bisbee´s Tournament. This is a three million dollar prize in cash and cars! The entry fee is huge, but the fish are here and the time is ripe for Huge Black Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, and of course Yellowfin Tuna Monsters / Cows… Mooooo.This past week we had reports of Monster Black Marlin coming out of Cabo San Lucas of close to 1,000 pounds depending on the report you read. Now I know we are not Cabo, it´s only 350 miles out of the Bay of Banderas. This means that particular fish passed us at some point which is a great indication of what is possible at this time of the year in the enter region!
Water Temperatures Spike as Gamefish Go Deep!
One thing is for sure, when you think you´ve got a handle on what´s happening in Puerto Vallarta Sportfishing, everything changes! As I will me mentioning over and over again, El Nino has raised it´s ugly head which means we all have to think a little differently when it comes to fishing!