Hit & Run Fishing, Tuna, Mahi, Marlin and Krill

If you’ve been paying any attention at all, you already know this is a “La Nina” year. It keep the water temperatures at a solid 84 degrees, which is perfect for all our world class species. We’ve been seeing solid fishing around our world class fishing locations. Unlike normal years, the “fish” or all the Sailfish and Marlin have a wide range of travel. What that means is they’ve been moving around and they’re spread out. You can’t just focus on one location and expect all the varied species waiting for you to arrive. Or can we? With massive amounts of bait already in the bay, more is moving in. I’m calling it “Hit & Run” fishing. With massive amounts of the Krill or seasonal “Whale” food, Krill stuffed Mahi are not interested many times in your bait. Marlin and Sailfish are chasing baits and playing fish tag. Smash the bait and then they turn away. The only “favorite” species we have that aren’t eating Krill is Yellowfin Tuna. The fishing is great, but you have to keep at it. Lazy Captains and crews are coming up empty handed. Those putting the effort of changing bait, changing trolling speeds and have the fuel to find the fish are coming up winners.
Water Temps Drop, Stripers Move in, Dorado Dominate, Fishing in Puerto Vallarta is Incredible

Welcome back to another week of incredible fishing in Puerto Vallartas World famous fishing grounds. Water temperatures have dropped again, yet we have all of your favorite species running the neighborhood. With fishing high season coming to a quick end, we’re seeing outstanding fishing conditions. Now that doesn’t mean it’s “free and easy” fishing. What it does mean is if you’re willing to put in the time, you’ll most likely get the species you’re targeting as long as it’s a species I mention in this article. Even short days are producing very well. If you’ve been waiting to go “shopping”, it’s time to put the “work” in and fill your fridge, having fun in the process!
Confused Currents, Confused Conditions, Stripers and Massive Bait!

Things have gotten even a little strange for a transition period. It’s a yearly thing, cold water currents changing to warm water currents from the opposite direction can at times be “confusing”. Right now the mix-up is with the species and the water temperatures. Honestly it’s like they don’t know if they’re “coming or going” literally. The good news is normally when we see the “clashing currents” we get dirty water stirred up from the bottom of the bay. For now it’s mostly blue water, but there is that “clean green” that is cold, not blue, it’s somewhere in between. There has been some of that, but for the majority of the area the water is blue and waiting for you to arrive.
Living Like A Local: Travel Advisory Scams!

Written By Stan Gabruk Before I start this article, I have to say the latest travel warning posted by the United States surprised me. I expected them to warn the world about Covid-19 again. Put the fear of god into you travelers, but that’s not the case at all. In fact the U.S. Travel […]