Strong Currents, Green Water and Passing Hurricanes

It’s been a real rollercoaster week at or world famous fishing grounds. We’ve seen no less than three Hurricanes in ten days. We didn’t see much “foul” weather in Puerto Vallarta per se. We did see some swells in the bay and waves on the beaches. We all know what Hurricanes do to the fishing, it pushes away. Now they can be pushed into the area or out of the area. That’s where we’re at right now. Hurricane aftermath.
Things Slow A Bit, Water Temp’s Up, Black Marlin, Rooster Fish Move in

So far we’ve had a great fishing season and it’s only going to get better. With some challenges naturally, we’re moving into the High Season for fishing in Puerto Vallarta. With Yellowfin Tuna in and out, there is no guarantee you’ll run into Yellowfin Tuna at Corbetena or El Banco. Having said that there have been some impressive reports of occasional larger YF Tuna boated. Black Marlin are a little larger by the day, Dorado are disappointing in size, but the numbers are going through the roof. With very few boats heading out to our world class fishing grounds you couldn’t ask for better conditions amigos!
Black Marlin Move in, Stripers leave, Trash Line Dorado and Sailfish

It seems every week that there are changes, but not often are these changes drastic. But change is a constant and one change this week is the arrival of Black Marlin and an increase in the number and size of the Blue Marlin. Dorado continue to be abundant but are increasing in size. Sailfish are all over our world famous fishing grounds. Bait abundant, perfect water temperatures and high visibility blue water. Our “High Season” for fishing is shaping up nicely as we enter August and some of the best fishing of the year!
Striped Marlin Disappear, Football Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish and Killer Whales

The more things change, the more they stay the same. We’ve seen some small changes this week in our world famous fishing grounds of Puerto Vallarta. Water temperatures are still a steady 85 with bait and water conditions just this side of perfect. Blue water, Sailfish, Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna are here for the taking. Dorado are still small, but we won’t complain. The whole area from the beaches to Corbetena are full of action as we continue deeper into High Season for fishing in Puerto Vallarta.
Fishing Puerto Vallarta, All Fishing Grounds Productive Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish, Marlin, Right on Time!

The Season is developing nicely. Water temperatures are up to a perfect level and after all that Spinner action last week with smaller Tuna, we’re now seeing some sizeable Yellowfin Tuna. Sailfish are increasing in numbers and size, Stripers aka Striped Marlin are still in the area even with the increased water temps. Big surprise yesterday was a Blue Marlin boated off Corbetena. Early summer fishing couldn’t be better than it is now. Even Punta Mita has come to life. We have arm burning action and by all indications this is just the beginning of a great season, YeHa!
The Amazing Bay of Banderas, Any Fish You Wish

I was telling a friend about the things I learned from a group from the Scripts Institute, students from the world famous College of Oceanography in San Diego county. Living in Southern California, to me this college was the way people actually got their foot in the door, in the oceanography world that is. So when I noticed a scientific type / military-ish boat was just “marching” a ‘step’ at a time around the bay it was out of the ordinary. You never really know what many of these ships are doing in the bay. This particular day the crew from this ship came to my shop to get some of our world famous T-shirts.
Fish Pic of the Day: Some Nastalgia ….

This is probably the most widely stolen pic of mine off the internet… Picture has impart and the fish isn’t bad either….
Changing Conditions, Warming Water, Dorado at Los Arcos!

Changing Conditions, Warming Water, Dorado at Los Arcos! Written by: Stan Gabruk owner of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing […]
The “Ups” and “Downs” of Spring Fishing, Normal Frustrations

I’ve been in Puerto Vallarta long enough now to recognize fishing patterns come spring. Water temperatures drop to the coolest levels of the year. Then fish are spawning or breeding. The thing here is this, you won’t always have perfect days at this time of the year. You can find fish, that doesn’t mean they’re interested in your bait. But then again, they’re not always going to ignore what you’re offering. So it’s “Up and Down”. Last week when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, things changed, for one day, drastically. So it went from “nothing biting” to “Fish City”. Now we’re at least getting a bite from Jack Crevalls and Bonito, but it’s still challenging at best.
World Record Class Yellowfin Tuna, Fishing at The Tres Maria Islands, Master Baiter’s ™ Style

If you’re a Yellowfin Tuna enthusiast, then you’re well aware of the Tres Maria Islands. Located about 100 miles to the north of Puerto Vallarta the area has become super famous for Yellowfin Tuna from 200 to 400 lbs. Those running boats down this way to PV from Southern California, The Red Rooster, Apollo and Constitution to mention a few, I call these guys the “Chest Beaters”. You may ask: Why do I call them this? Well the answer is obvious, they want to show the So. Cal types that they’re boating these “incredible YF Tuna” like crazy in Mexico. This is of course “Off Season” revenue for these guys when the winter fishing craps out in Southern California. They come down to Puerto Vallarta (aka PV), beat their chest then head back to their own back yard to hit the summer season. I can’t blame them. They do well, they make a few bucks, people are being treated well and having fun. It’s all good. There’s just one down side, it’s México’s “off season” for fishing as well.