Sometimes it feels like I’m almost making excuses for the “fishing conditions”. Clients come into my shop midwinter looking for summer species. Being at the wrong end of the calendar it’s disappointing for some. Things have changed, Summer Fishing Season has returned, water is warming up, Red Tide has all but disappeared, No dirty water to speak of and we have a trash line. With the La Nina keeping water temperatures down I was wondering when the numbers and species would ever pickup. But we’re back in the Summer High Season for Fishing in Puerto Vallarta. Conditions are improving by the day, the “locals” are stuffing themselves with varied “karnada” or baits. Now if we could just figure a way to keep the air temperatures and humidity down, everything would be perfect!
Things this week are pretty much the same with some small differences. Last week Corbetena was pretty much a waste of your fuel dollar, today, you’re rolling the dice. With Blue water and plenty of nice sized Skip Jack Tuna and Bullet Bonito as bait, you’d think you’d see more action in the area. We have seen a mix north of the rock of Sailfish, Striped Marlin and Blue Marlin of “youngster” sizes running the area. Like always fish move and you have to give yourself enough time to find the concentrations and bait balls. If you head to Corbetena right now you’ve got a solid 70% shot at a Billfish. No real Dorado in the area as yet, still a little early, but there are some “scouts” out there, so anything is possible. Looking to El Banco, there has been few if any fishing charters heading this way with what’s happening closer in.

Which leads us to the area from El Morro to Punta Mita. For the last few weeks it’s all be about close to shore fishing. Things are not as “predictable” as they were last week, which is to be expected. But there is still great action in the area. That is if boating a large Sailfish or Striped Marlin would grab your attention in an eight hour charter. Four people in a super Panga is affordable, fun and will put you in the action. Jack Crevalles are not as automatic anywhere this week. You have to hit them when they come up, so being in the “right” place at the “right” comes in handy! With all the Sardines in the area I was hoping to see some Rooster Fish in the Sayulita area near the reefs, but no luck on that roll of the dice. Dorado are also in the area, find a buoy or floating debris and you’ve got “Dorado’ city. I think this area is your best bang for your buck right now… Feeling Lucky?

We’ve seen strange stuff in the bay all year with La Nina. For now our normal, reliable Jack Crevalles aren’t quite so ‘reliable” these days. You will still find them in the bay, but it’s on / off again situation where you need to catch them on the surface. At that point it’s nonstop action. Same with Skip Jack Tuna feeding on small “guppy” sized baits. Sierra Mackerels have been saving the day for family fishing and they’re good sized at over 10 lbs. everything counts in large amounts and are perfect for feeding the “crew”.
With “bluer” water, warming water and an overabundance of bait in the area, the summer fishing season looks promising. To have Dorado in the area in June is a fantasy come true these days. Striped Marlin in warm water won’t last long, but bait changes everything, stay tuned on Striped Marlin. The bite is from 09:00 to 11:00 and then in the early afternoon again. With Squid, Flying fish, Sardines, you name it, it’s always best to run a lure and maybe a dead bait in these conditions. And of course with the recent rains, we have a trash line forming which in a few days will be worth “exploring”. Stay tuned!
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.
Written by Stan Gabruk, owner Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle