After a few weeks of less than exciting fishing, things are starting to look up. Now I’m not going to tell you things have improved to the point you’re going to catch Moby Dick, but you can have a fun day on the water using light tackle. We call it action fishing and that’s the best you can expect for the time being. Now if you want to roll the dice, then take a twelve hour fishing excursion, targeting Yellowfin Tuna, Striped Marlin and possible Dorado and Sailfish. We’re not into the summer fishing season as yet, but conditions are turning for the better. Water temperatures are ticking upwards and the dreaded red tide has finally moved out. Now don’t assume the water is blue, it’s still the “Clean Green” water we’ve had for many weeks, but it’s clean and the species we have are taking baits. Which may be a bit misleading since we have so much bait in the area, it can be challenging to get a fish to turn its head. And there lies the challenge amigo, short days with plenty of action or longer days hoping for the bucket list species that may not happen. The good news, things are improving with the southern currents finally showing up, all be it weakly, we’ll take what we can get.

Every year we go through the “transition”. The time when Puerto Vallarta goes from winter fishing to summer fishing with our famous summer species. Right now we’re in the middle of the transition. If it’s going to happen, it’s good it’s happening now. Coming out of a La Nina period where water temperatures were lower than normal into a El Nino condition where water temperatures are warmer than normal. We’re already seeing water temperatures tick up. Corbetena is seeing 78 degree temperatures, a two degree jump from last week. This will continue and by the end of May we’ll be seeing Marlin, Sailfish and Yellowfin Tuna start moving in. For now we’re seeing an improvement is conditions with the red tide moving out. We also have southern currents moving in and that’s good news. The bad news is Corbetena hasn’t changed much for the last couple of weeks. The water while not red is still that “clean green’. This will be short lived with warmer water moving in, thank the fishing gods for that! The dominant species inht he area is still Jack Crevalles up to 50 lbs. this is nothing new, but action is action and if you find yourself in this area you’ll also find Skip Jack Tuna in the 12 lb range, perfect bait. You may see some freak Sailfish or Striped Marlin and if you, you’re a lucky dog indeed! The only real deep water action this week has been in El Banco! Yes, I said El Banco with Yellowfin Tuna “footballs” running with the Spinner Dolphin. The Tuna can be anywhere from 25 to 60 lbs, so again, you’re rolling the dice. Striped Marlin have been running the area along with Sailfish and possible Dorado in the smaller size ranges, It’s early for Dorado, so I consider ourselves lucky since for the last few years they didn’t show up until August! Find some floating debris, floating log or a buoy and things will change drastically when it comes to Dorado. But once again, with massive amounts of uneaten bait, it’s hard to get their attention. So hit the bite just right and your chances of boating a bucket list fish improves. Feeling lucky?

Moving closer to shore the area from El Morro to north of Sayulita has had its issues. With the luck of the Irish you may come across a freak Sailfish or Striped Marlin, but again, you better be lucky. Find a buoy or floating debris and your chances improve. Yes there are still Jack Crevalls of good size, Sierra Mackerels, Bonito in the 10 lb range. But the Rooster fish had the long lines show up and ran nets, so the Rooster fish in the area that were active have been fished out for the moment, So frustrating how the Mexican Govt does nothing to stop illegal fishing. This is nothing new and we always work around this frustration. For now even the fishermen from north of San Pancho are coming this far south hoping it’s better than up there.
When it comes to bay fishing, things are right on par for the season. Yes we have Jack Crevalles, Sierra Mackerels, Bonito and other species, but they’re mostly smaller in size and stature. If you’re with younger family members a Jack Crevalle would be a real challenge for the younglings. Those looking for “Action Fishing” using light tackle will have a real thrill. The red tide is gone, the water is warming up and the disastrous fishing in the bay has changed where a four hour fishing trip is worth the effort and the expense. I still suggest six hours for bay fishing since fish move and may not be where they were yesterday! Six hours gives you the time and the distance to improve your fishing options.

The bite is still mid-morning, any time after 09:30 is when you want to be in your chosen fishing grounds. With raising water temperatures and plenty of bait, anything is possible in the coming days. Surprising things are possible, stay tuned. You know sometimes shore fishing is a great option. If you want, you can rent a surf pole through is and enjoy the action from the beach or jetty. It’s all priced affordably so contact us if this option sound like a good idea to you!
Until Next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish.

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.