Written by Stan Gabruk, owner of Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle

After weeks and weeks of Yellowfin Tuna ignoring any bait put in front of them things are finally changing. My good friend Joel called the shop today to let me know I was full of “BS” and that there were Tuna hitting baits like Poppers and Goggle eyes at Corbetena. Well I had to laugh because I publish articles on the web and on my webpage. I always update the web page, but I can’t update articles in the PV Mirror for instance. But Joel is right, about three days after my last article things changed. Now I’m not talking about anything drastic, but small changes are better than no changes. One nice change is Yellowfin Tuna are still at Corbetena and the YF Tuna are taking baits again finally. That can only mean that the three inch Squids which are still there are finally thinning in numbers. Finally a trip to Corbetena is worth the effort and the fuel expense, YeHa!
Corbetena this week saw the dirty coffee colored water turn to the Clean Green, which means the water is still cold, but a little warmer than last week averaging 70 degrees. As mentioned earlier Yellowfin Tuna are still at the Rock and finally are taking surface baits. Poppers and Kites with Goggle Eyes have been doing the trick. Yellowfin are anywhere from 25 to 100 lbs. Joel tells me that he boated some over 200 lbs so things may be even better than what I’m reporting here, for now. Corbetena is a very flexible fishing ground with several different species which will rotate with the seasons. Cubera Snappers are in, finally and are running anywhere between 50 to 60 lbs! There may still be a few Sailfish or Marlin, but you’ll be hard pressed to boat one if targeting these. Pompano are also in the area running 10 lbs or so and are great tasting! One thing we haven’t seen or heard of the last couple of weeks with this cooler water are Wahoo! Perfect conditions but normally the local captains will ignore Wahoo because you need to troll fast, use wire leaders and run lures. This process eliminates many other species out there and if you’re in the business of catching fish, then you better boat something! For now the fishing in the area is much better and Cubera Snappers are great tasting..

The area from Punta Mita to El Morro has been less than exciting. Off the back side of El Morro and around the Marietta Islands Pompano should be around the area. Be sure to take care as this is a protected area and patrols will make sure you keep off the reefs. Wahoo should be in this area as well as are Bonito. Other than that if you’re not heading north of Sayulita for Sailfish, the area is lacking for now.
Inside the bay is much better this week. Normally it’s February before we see our popular cold water species like Snappers, Bass and Groupers around the area and by the river mouths. Most people know the area in front of the Ameca River in Nuevo Vallarta will produce nice Snappers and Bass when the water is cold, we’re now seeing these cold water species early this year. That’s good news because you don’t need a full day if fishing like this. There are several locations in the bay to jig for Snappers or Baca Lau which is like a ling cod with white meat. With our Endless action fishing trips we spend eight hours touching bases with all our favorite and best producing “secret” spots. You can do less time if you like but the simple fact is there is always great fishing in the bay if you open your mind a bit. Sierra Mackerels to 10 lbs, Bonito to 15, maybe 20 lbs if lucky. Jack Crevalls from 20 to 50 lbs and will provide young ones with as much action as they could possibly want. Fishing in the bay can be fun and affordable. Give us a call and we’ll talk about it!

Water temperatures are still in the basement and will be this way for the near future. In fact some area in the bay are running anywhere from 65 to 70 degrees, perfect for bass fishing. The bite is still midmorning so be where you want to be early. The Krill baits and Squids are still in the area but are thinning out. This is good for Anglers as you can’t really compete with this sort of bait. One thing you can do is get Calamari or Squids before heading out, this will always increase your chances and don’t depend on the boat getting it. They rely on the bait boat in the morning, so bring your own Calamari, and catch fish! FYI: Our T-shirts are online now, check out the web page to see what you’d like to buy!
Until next week, don’t forget to Kiss Your Fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: (044) 322 779 7571 or our international number is: 011 52 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/ ..The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.