30-200 lb Yellowfin Tuna at El Banco and More!

After the last few disappointing weeks of fishing, things changed like a lightning strike. All of a sudden currents change and with it a massive invasion of varied baits. Small tiny baits eaten by Skip Jack Tuna are being follow by much larger species. 30 lb to 200 lb Yellowfin Tuna about 65 miles out are chasing these baits in unusually cool water for Yellowfin Tuna. That’s a 12 hr. day with no guarantees. These southern currents are bringing Sailfish and Striped Marlin are also in the mix. Snapper off El Morro and the action is unexpected. To see Yellowfin Tuna this early in the season can only be explained as a La Nina result. We aren’t complaining, but this may not last long as the bait is riding currents which means as quickly as they’re moving in, they can move out.
With Long Liners Gone Fishing Improves Significantly

In the world of Deep Sea Fishing the only ¨constant¨ is that nothing stays the same for long. With a drastic drop in water temperatures last week I thought we had seen the best fishing fade away for the rest of the year. Then the Illegal Long Liners bugged out, and the fishing improved greatly. Water temperatures are still at 80 degrees which I would say is cold for these warm water species, but in San Diego where the water temps are considerably colder they´re still boating Marlin and Dorado. So what does this all mean? Your guess is as good as mine, but if they´re ¨playing¨ in colder water up north that means the season if far from over for Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado and we even have Wahoo in the area. Now if we could find a way to coax a Yellowfin Tuna in the area we´d be happy campers!