This week it seems like we’ve been riding a rollercoaster. Some days are incredible and some days are not as good as we would like. But every day is a new day and we’re seeing slight, yet important changes in conditions. We’ve also seen heavy rains in the mountains and in the local area. Everything seems to be in a “flux” situation where one day you can have great arm burning action, the next you’re wondering what happened? The fact of the matter is fishing is an inexact sport where we’re all vulnerable to the whims of the weather and the fish gods. The secret is to be informed and ready to go in a heartbeat. Having said that, this week is definitely better than the last week with the challenges of no bait at Corbetena, but there were fish if you could make bait. This week things are much the same, but like always, not everything is the same. Small improvements can mean big differences in targeted species and the amount of action you can expect. Right now you’re rolling the dice, the only question is, how lucky are you?

Starting with Corbetena, High Tides fishing this week boated a 100 lb plus Yellowfin Tuna at Corbetena! The bad news is Capt. Jaime was the only guy catching fish out there. Why? Well one reason is, first you have to be out there! But once you’re out there, you have to know what to do. For now with hot water running 89 degrees, there are some tricks to the trade. When Tuna are in “hot water” they will go deep to adjust their body temperatures. If you’re not using Electronics, you’ll never know how deep to set your lures. One secret is to look for the temperature break and set your down rigger accordingly. There are also Sailfish, Blue and Black Marlin running the area, but they’re spread out and their numbers are still thin. Cubera Snappers from 40 lbs up are taking trolled bait as well. More good news is the Skip Jack Tuna have returned to the rock, so it’s still a good idea to make bait before you arrive at Corbetena because it’s cheap insurance and you never know if there will be bait in the area. With so few charters heading out for these longer days, it’s hard to get a solid feel for the action in this area. But from the information I have, it’s definitely a step in the right direction.

Last week you had a solid chance at Sailfish off Punta Nayarit aka Punta Mita. The past few days have been difficult for those targeting Sailfish and frankly I don’t know why. All the reports I have from the El Morro to Sayulita is less than exciting and what was a decent trip last week has turned into a “Pescado Ghost Town”. Naturally things change rapidly at this time of the year, but we always know things will change in few days. So for now just keep that fuel money in your pocket, I’ll let you know when to break the piggy bank amigos. I should say there are very small Dorado in the 5 to 10 lb range, too small to keep. If you get some, make ceviche and throw the rest back for another day. Rooster fish like the “agua dulce” or sweet water where the fresh river water mixes with the salt water. There is also a nice trash line, but it’s “iffy”. What does that mean? Well if you’re in the area, give it a shot. If you can find a buoy or floating debris, this is also a game changer for Dorado so don’t be too negative. If you’re up around Sayulita or bit north, there could be some good Rooster fish action, feeling lucky?

And now for the bay. Normally the bay is a great place for short day fishing. That is until the rain floods most of the bay with dirty water. Now we also know this dirty water can be shallow so running digging lures or live bait with plainers can be the trick of the century. One thing we’ve seen is the dirty water is in most of the bay. If you head out into the middle of the bay, almost out of the bay, there is a mature trash line and there is some solid action there, but not always. I know, I feel schizophrenic saying things like this, but that’s the situation. With mostly Mexican Nationals heading out fishing, the trips have been four or six hours for the most part. Jack Crevalles and Bonita will take baits in dirty water, they don’t seem to care much about that. The south end of the bay has small Rooster fish at Punta Negra. And of course you always have a shot at smaller Dorado and the occasional freak Sailfish that takes your bait. If that happened to you, you’d be one lucky son of a fisherman! But it does happen, so who knows?

With everything so unpredictable right now it’s had to give any real advice, but four or six hours in the bay is your best bet for your hard earned fishing dollar right now. Things can and will improve, so don’t be discouraged, just be a little patient. With water temperatures near yearly highs, I expect the Yellowfin Tuna will be “digging deep” and hanging at the depth of about 140 feet, so keep that in mind. One thing that may help is special bait. I’d be loading up on Squid and running that on the down riggers, it can’t hurt! The bite is still much the same, be where you want to be before 08:00 and start there. Live bait is king, but still run one lure, Green and yellow would be the first color I’d try!

Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
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