It’s mid-July now and the calendar tells us we should have warm water, Blue and Black Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Trash lines and some normal dirty water close to shore in the bay. Everything that is happening is exactly right on time! With plenty of bait in many forms, blue water, smooth seas and about any “warm water” species you could want. The fishing has finally improved from Punta Mita to Corbeteña Puerto Vallarta Fishing measures up to a “world class” fishing experience. Tournaments have started and at weigh-in, the fish being brought in are “tournament worthy”. Now things aren’t perfect, they never are. But the fishing has gotten to the point where you can pick your fish, if you have the time and the fuel money. For those on vacation now and are “budget” locked, we can help you too. Inside the bay we’re seeing many freaky things, Sailfish are weird, but not that weird. What is weird is Black or Blue Marlin in the bay! I’m at a loss for an explanation, so I’ll keep my mouth shut and just enjoy the action!
Starting at Corbeteña, if you’re looking for Yellowfin Tuna, you need to start at the “Rock”. Yellowfin Tuna have been happening in this area now for the last couple of weeks. The inside story is that there are mostly “footballs” out there. Or rather Yellowfin Tuna from 30 to 60lbs and maybe much larger! I don’t want to get people pumped up, but some days you’ll find them over 150 lbs if you’re lucky. If you’re on a normal day, the Yellowfin Tuna have been running mostly around 40 lbs, but there are lots of them. So for YF Tuna, the trip is well worth it. Top it off with Blue Marlin at 250 to 300 lbs, Sailfish, Dorado to 35 lbs, Black Marlin at 300 lbs, you name it. FYI the Marlin are anywhere from Corbetena to Punta Mita. With plenty of bait and blue water at a perfect temperature, conditions don’t get any better than this. Not to mention you’ll catch fish, stay tuned.

For the last three weeks I’ve been telling you to start your 8 hr. fishing trip at the point of Punta Mita and head out no more than six miles and you’ll be in the “Sailfish Zone”. It’s crazy, but for some reason in this area heading north or towards Corbetena, it’s on fire. Now we’re in the rainy season and we have Trash Lines. Find a clump of weeds or a floating log or dead horse (no kidding) and you’ve found the Dorado Promise Land! We’ve even seen Blue Marlin at 225 lbs in the area. Jack Crevalles have all but disappeared along with Sierra Mackerels. Now you’ll still find them, but not many. With possible Rooster fish near the reefs, anything is pretty much possible. With blue water and plenty of bait, this whole area are fertile fishing grounds.

Inside the day, we’re still seeing “craziness”. You may say “Crazy, how”? Well we’ve seen a Blue Marlin at 200 lbs boated off La Cruz Marina, Dorado are in the 20 to 35 lb range if lucky. Sailfish are becoming a daily occurrence. Large Skip Jack Tuna at 12 to 15 lbs and there are tiny Tunas (skippies). Now with the seasonal rains, we have a trash line. This trash line is a band of leaves, twigs, all sorts of organic “stuff” fish love to feed on. In the bay the trash lines have been lined with small Dorado and some larger ones. In front of the trash line the water is clean and blue. Behind the trash line it’s coffee colored dirty water. Now don’t get excited this is normal. One mile out, the water is clean and blue, many times closer in. Fishing in the bay right now is well worth a six hour trip of your life. We even got 40 lb Yellowfin Tuna coming into the bay. Feeling lucky?

Details, details, the bite is happening still mid-morning, be where you want to be before 08:30. If targeting YF Tuna at Corbetena depending on the moon, the bite can change. The fuller the moon, the earlier you want to be at your selected fishing grounds. With massive amounts of bait everywhere, we’re seeing larger Skip Jack Tuna to 15 lbs, flying fish, Google Eyes, and the list goes on. One secret is dead bait and lures that mimic Dorado. Of course use live bait as well, but if live bait isn’t working, switch. Water temperatures are perfect at 84 / 85 degrees! Get on the water, you’ll be glad you did. Mention this article and I’ll give you a great deal on my new Panga with a bathroom!
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.
Written by Stan Gabruk, owner Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle