Well, here we are again, we’re still transitioning and the fish are still breeding, so we still have those challenges when it comes to fishing in Puerto Vallarta. We go through this every May until early June, we prepare for it and bear through it. It’s a perfect time of the year for this to happen with tourism down. But there are some positive signs, water temperatures are up, bait is abundant and we have fish, yes folks the fish are out there, but they’re full of eggs and their appetites subside. That doesn’t mean you won’t catch fish, but it does mean you’ll be working hard for your catch. With changing currents, massive bait and in general improving water conditions, things are finally looking up. And hopefully soon we’ll have blue water and Blue Marlin!
Starting with Corbetena, not much has changed. Water temperatures are at 81 degrees at the rock, a three degree improvement upwards, which is drastic. With plenty of Skip Jack Tuna, flying fish and now baby Bonito (Bullet Bonito) conditions are almost perfect for the Pelagic Species (deep water, away from shore species ((https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/pelagic.html)). Skip Jack Tuna, flying fish, and tiny fish of several species are thick in the area. Remembering this is breeding season, these tiny fish are basically the new arrivals for the season, or fish babies. Everything is changing as we move into the summer fishing season and soon, in the next few weeks we’ll start seeing Blue Marlin, Dorado and hopefully Yellowfin Tuna. Corbetena isn’t the best bang for your dollar right now, but soon. Stay tuned!

El Banco is showing signs of life worth paying attention to, finally. Spinner Dolphin are still running the area with Yellowfin Tuna from 30 to 60 lbs running with them. There are also Sailfish, Striped Marlin and even Dorado of 10 lbs are picking up in numbers. Nothing is easy, your chances are at about 40% of boating any of these species, but there are people showing pictures of Striped Marlin and Sailfish on the social media pages. I’d give it a little more time to “ferment” and with some luck, soon you’ll be “intoxicated” with the local action. For now very few boats are heading to El Banco, the distance is a fuel eater and we all know that can be an expensive proposition.

From El Morro to Punta Mita, not much has changed. Again breeding fish and changing season’s means some species like Jack Crevalles will be thinning out. Sierra Mackerels are normally cold water species as well so their numbers should be thinning shortly as well. But they’re all still running the area and if you’re in La Cruz or Punta Mita, the action for a short day is worth the effort. Most of the decent action is still happening at the Malinal rock at Carilles. Rooster fish averaging 35 lbs, Dorado are in the area but they’re “throw backs” and there is a slight chance of a Sailfish here as well. Eight hours works, but ten hour gives makes sure you can catch the morning and afternoon bite. Good luck!

Inside the bay I still suggest a six hour trip with plenty of action on light tackle. You’ll be targeting Bonito to 25 lbs, Jack Crevalle to 30 lbs, Sierra Mackerels and Skip Jack Tuna to 12 lbs. None of these species are very large, but if action is the goal, we can provide that amigo. We’ve seen some very small Dorado, mostly females in the area round Los Arcos to Punta Negra. With some luck you could find some Roosters there as well. Four hours in the bay has action, but with fish moving all over the place, it’s best to give yourself time to find where they are today. Opposed to where they were yesterday.

With the continued changing conditions, we’re just about at the tail end of the “transition / breeding” season. Within the next couple of weeks we’ll see Blue Marlin moving in and Sailfish number will increase as well. Yellowfin Tuna can happen at any time, but you shouldn’t expect any Tuna around Corbetena or El Banco short of “Spinner Tuna”. With early season signs of baby Dorado, this could be a great indicator for early season Dorado action. Cross your fingers. Also water temperatures moved up by three degrees, this is Drastic and another indication of southern currents bringing in warmer water. The bite is still around 09:00, but we’ve been sending people out at 07:00 to catch the early morning species like Sierra Mackerels. With Flying fish, tiny “fish babies”, Goggle Eyes, Sardines and more, bait availability can be an issue, but they’re also a fish magnet. Another positive on the horizon, but this year we need to keep an eye on El Nino as we transition from cold water conditions to warm water conditions. It could get a little confusing this year so keep up with the articles and you can always send me a message or just call.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.