Written by: Stan Gabruk of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle

I think last week you may have gotten the feeling I was a little disappointed in the local action and I was a little. But that has all changed now because any fish you could basically want to catch is out there. You name it, you want good sized to huge Yellowfin Tuna, got it. Sailfish, Dorado, Marlin, got it. But there’s a catch, you have to be on the water to catch these Bucket list fish! With almost perfect conditions the fishing will not get any better this year than it is now!
Lots to cover in a small space this week. Corbetena, Yellowfin Tuna from 40 to 200 lbs and frankly I’m getting reports of over 300lbs by those who would know. Black & Blue Marlin are running anywhere between El Banco, Corbetena, El Morro to off Punta Mita (The Golden Triangle). Sailfish are here as well hanging out with larger Dorado. Back to Tuna, they’re out there and they’re flying like Volkswagen’s hurling themselves through bait balls. Now this sounds good until you realize they’re hitting baits you don’t have. Primarily they’re hitting these almost clear fish the size of a Goggle eye and they’re called Plantinllos (Plan-ten- E-Yo’s) everywhere around the Rock! The downside is these Yellowfin Tuna aren’t interested in anything else! Red Crabs have drifted off now so that’s good news, kinda. Cubera Snappers are in the area taking some trolled baits and of course the bottom fishing guys will find Cubera Snappers at 50 lbs. Dorado at 30 lbs and I am expecting to see Wahoo move in soon. To say Corbetena is “on fire’ would be an understatement. Call me, I’ll get you out there reasonably.

With the action the way it has been at Corbetena, El Banco once again is being ignored for many reason. Those that were in the area report Black Marlin, Sailfish, Cubera Snappers but no mention of Tuna, but I’d expect them to be there. The way the fishing is shaping up I’d be surprised if there wasn’t action around the high spots!
The area around El Morro is seeing Cubera Snappers and Red Snappers moving into the area. Just a few miles off the rocks here you’re on fertile Marlin ground. Not many Dorado or much else for now in this area, but that can change in a second. Punta Mita is alive and well with larger Dorado in the 30 lb range and if you can find a log or debris floating, that’s a Dorado gold mine. Marlin are possible, especially Blue Marlin in the 300 to 700 lb range are possible. Striped Marlin thin in numbers are running this entire area as well! Sailfish a touch north of Sayulita and frankly I’ve been seeing pictures of Rooster fish in this area, but frankly I haven’t seen anything that suggest you’ll get a Rooster fish, but then what if they’re correct. Feeling lucky??

The bay is tourist fishing heaven. Not looking for a longer day, smaller fish would be perfect for you and the family, then I’ve got the perfect thing for you. The bay is alive with abundant Dorado from 15 to 30 lbs. Jack Crevalls to 30 lbs are already moving back into the area. Sierra Mackerels are tasty and about 12 lbs. Sailfish are still being boated in the bay and you’re chances are improving by the day with the massive bait in the bay! The area in front of the Malecon is Dorado city for the moment. Sailfish at La Cruz area or the Channel that runs to Corbetena off Los Arcos.
Water temperatures are back up to 80 degrees with blue water abundant. The bite is finally earlier. If you’re heading out make it so you’re at your selected fishing grounds before 08:00, you’ll be glad you did. Bait is abundant in so many forms you can’t get them all in. Baby or “Bullet” Bonito, flying fish, Goggle eyes, and of course the list goes on. Having said this, dead bait is working better than live bait on many days. Lures of purple and white are also doing the trick. Start there, but have plenty of color with you aka many differently colored lures. Wow, I got it all in!

We’re also doing the shared boat or fishing parties again. Half a super Panga, two people is very affordable. Contact us for details!
Until next week, Don´t forget to kiss Your Fish!
Hey Everybody, with so much demand for Surf Fishing Pole Rental Request we decided to get a couple of poles for rent. So if you’re looking to do some Surf Fishing and you didn’t bring your rig, then this is the Solution!

Tuna? Well we’ve got you covered!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: (044) 322 779 7571 or our international number is: 011 52 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. Master Baiter’s Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under international trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.