Written by Stan Gabruk, owner Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle

Every year as we come out of the winter fishing season into spring we see the annual changing of the seasonal currents. This past year has been weird, there is no other word for it. As we are hopefully exiting a “La Nina” year, we’re seeing the beginning of a regular fishing season, if you don’t mind my positive perspective. You see this is what we expect, this is “normal”. Last year we went straight from summer fishing, to spring fishing all through the “winter” fishing season. Now with the clashing currents and dirty water that produces, this is a positive thing. When this happens, it’s at the lowest part of the spring tourism season or basically PV is a bit of a ghost town after Easter. That means that while it’s not the most positive thing, it’s an indicator that we’re moving into a “normal” season and to me, that’s positive. Now I’m not saying the fishing is any better or worse than it was last week. But we roll with the punches and prepare for the positive!
So you’re probably sitting there thinking, what’s positive about dirty water? It’s an indicator and we already have warm water species running the area. If you’re fifteen miles north of El Banco the whole area is stuffed with Dorado. Now they’re mostly babies now, but they are there! That’s positive, we never have Dorado, well not in the last ten years, before August. So let’s not be too hard on the present conditions. But lets get back to fishing, which is also in a slump. Water temperatures are up, they’re down and right now they’re 74 degrees from Corbetena to El Banco. So for now if you’re dead set on hitting these areas, unless you’re at least twenty miles north of El Banco, your chances of catching anything you couldn’t closer in, makes the time and expense maybe not such a wise decision. Yes you could hit a Sailfish or Striped Marlin in this wide open area, but it’s not easy and you’ll be trying to make the difficult happen. Having said that, it you take a heading of 300 off the point of Punta Mita, head out at least 15 miles, then here are some buoys out there with plenty of Dorado. No guarantees of their size. Stripers and Sailfish are there, but sperad out. But there is plenty of bait in the area.

In the eight hour duration fishing trips, at El Morro you’ll find Snapper, if you’re super lucky. Maybe you can jig but their numbers are pretty slim. The water is dirty, I mean a brownish coffee color, a result of sea bottom sediment being mixed up. This will last a week or two, then when it clears out we’ll be ready for the summer season. Which begins in early June. With low tourism, this is perfect for everyone. Jack Crevalls, Bonito, and several “possible” species. My suggestion, six or twelve hours are you best options. Six hours is probably the best for fun and touring for now, but I’m ahead of myself.
Inside the bay is much the same as last week. Jack Crevalles are all over the bay, but for some reason they’re not in the numbers we’re used to. Also Jack Crevalles are really only surface feeding, if you don’t catch them attacking a bait ball, then they’re going to be work. Bonito are everywhere, some are in the 25 to 30 lb range. But most are closer to 20 lbs and fun to catch. Sierra Mackerels are great tasting and fun to catch on light tackle. Many boats are still trolling around the Ameca River, but the cold water species are starting to move out as we’d expect. For family fishing, it’s great. For the person looking for larger species, they’ll be disappointed.

Obviously for now, we’re transitioning. Plenty of Sardines in the bay. With a little luck there will be Rooster fish near Estiladera and Punta Negra, the sandy beaches. The big question is what will the water temperatures do. We’re very close to the perfect 84 degree mark, so I’m thinking we could have an early summer fishing season with all the favorite species. For now the bite is early, be at your chosen fishing grounds before 08:00.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.