Mind Boggling Mixed Conditions, But There are Fish Out There!
Here I go again trying to make sense of a senseless season. We are still seeing some strange currents for this time of the year so it is possible to come across dirty water from silt being stirred up from the bottom. Water temperatures are hovering between 68 and 73 degrees, which is a good thing. In general what was miserable fishing conditions a few short weeks ago has returned to our normal winter fishing conditions.
Two weeks ago I turned away more people than I care to think about with the truth about what the actual conditions were in the bay. Four hour trips, unless you like checking out sea life and whales, was pretty much a waste of your time and money. Same for Six hour trips and even the eight hour days were coming in at times with empty fish boxes. But as the warmer water is working its way back into the area we have seen the normal players like Jack Crevalls return in a big way. Tons of smaller Red Snappers, Pompano and several larger Rooster Fish and the list goes on. One thing for sure, there is no reason now to hold back. Even the four hour trip

s are averaging 10 to 15 fish or all types.
The best bang for your fishing dollar right now is either the Marietta Islands or the point at Punta Mita to Sayulita again this week. Larger African Pompano have moved into the Sayulita area and can surprise you at 50 lbs! Now for the most part the Roosterfish have bailed out of the area, but there were a few boated off Sayulita in the 70lb range with some smaller ones around 35lbs. This was a big surprise since there have been few Roosters boated in the last ten days or so. At the point, African Pompano have gotten more and more abundant, they´re fierce fighters and they taste wonderful! Snappers are in the area as well, but for the most part will be smaller in the 10lb range.
At the Marietta Islands, I still sound like a broken record here. The Roosters are still here, but not in huge numbers and if you do boat one or two, consider yourself lucky. Snappers are plentiful, Sierra Mackerals have taken over the bay, and Jack Crevalls are larger than normal in the 30 lb and up size range. Small groupers, and to be frank, several fish I have no clue what they are. Boats heading out to this area may find some dirty water as it moves in and out, but the good thing about this location is the reefs are the area we are all hitting lately and the fish will pop out of their holes if you are trolling the edge of the reef! Dirty water or not, if they can see it, they´ll go for it! If you don´t have a sounder (electronics) to see the reef on your screen, then you chances of getting a nice Cubera Snapper will be greatly diminished. Remember, you´re paying for a decent boat, make sure you have the equipment you need or fishing on that boat, no matter how cheap, is still relying on luck, and little else.
The area between Corbeteña and El Banco is still a dead zone. Jack Crevalls at Corbeteña are large in the 50lb range, but who heads out 35 miles for Jacks? El Banco has been about the same as Corbeteña, some Hammer Head sharks have been hanging out there and they taste good, but not exactly what most people are looking for. If you want to burn diesel, this is the trip for you, but you won´t be happy with the fishing. Still, this could change in a heartbeat so keep your ears open for recent conditions or check my blog out.
For the last few months there have been Yellowfin Tuna at the Tres Maria Islands. The last few days they (Yellowfin Tuna & Striped Marlin) seem to have moved farther north near the third and farthest north island of the Tres Marias. To give you an idea of how far this is, Zig Zag with Capt. Pepino and my buddies all headed out 130 miles just to find Spinner Dolphins. Normally this is a great indicator that there are smaller Yellowfin Tuna in the 60 lb range, but not always as was the case in the last couple of days. All and all I would hold off on the long distance trips for the next few days.
So to sum things up this week, the fishing is best in the eight hour range and is pretty good by all accounts. Six hours and four hours are still in the bay fishing, but if you don´t mind Jack Crevalls, Sierra Mackerals, Snappers, Pompano and the occasional Rooster fish, then you will have some light tackle action that will be affordable and more than satisfying for the visiting Angler. With whales in the bay, you get an extra bang for your buck!
That’s about it for now, until next week, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
Remember, if you have any questions or suggestions you can reach me at: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx or CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx
The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property to Stan Gabruk. Always ask to speak with Stan to insure product quality and to insure you are working with the true Master Baiter´s ® and not an imposter
You see here in Vallarta we have some unique conditions that keep this area one of the best fishing locations in the world. Smaller Yellowfin Tuna have arrived here as well in the 40 to 60 lb range for the moment.