+52 322 209 1128

Marina Vallarta Las Palmas I Local 3

Mass Migration of Stingrays… Mexico

Looking like giant leaves floating in the sea, thousands of Golden Rays are seen here gathering off the coast off Mexico. The spectacular scene was captured as the magnificent creatures made one of their biannual mass migrations to more agreeable waters.

Fish R Where U Find Them, U Won’t Be looking Long, Puerto Vallarta Sportfishing Takes Off!

After the first of the year, mid January at the latest we set into the winter fishing mode and focus our fishing on Dorado, Sailfish and Jack Crevalls. But as we dip into early summer in June we begin to see the larger Species trickle in. Now that we are in mid July we see the summer species of Yellowfin Tuna in the 100 lb plus range or larger start to roll into Corbeteña and El Banco. We also see the Black Marlin and Sailfish become more abundant and larger! Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta is improving daily and finally there are people in Puerto Vallarta to enjoy these fantastic deep sea fishing conditions!

As we march deeper and deeper into the Summer Fishing season in Puerto Vallarta we continue to scratch our heads trying to make sense of this season so far. Now the fishing is wonderful, no other way to describe it. But we are not seeing some regular players in the mix this year, Mahi Mahi or Dorado as they´re more commonly known as around Puerto Vallarta. With small football Yellowfin Tuna from Yelapa to Cabo Corrientes and Sailfish at the other end of the bay, short day anglers are hitting the mother load! Deep, blue water locations are producing like years gone by. Marlin, Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna, as long as you aren´t expecting Dorado, you´ll be a happy and tired person at the end of the day amigos!

Yellowfin Tuna, Marlin, Sailfish, Rooster Fish, Summer Sportfishing Explodes!

Things are getting hot in Puerto Vallarta and I am not only talking about the weather. Every year I write about how when the weather gets hot, so does the fishing. Many can handle the heat and humidity that comes along with Monster Yellowfin Tuna and Black Marlin. For those, the season is early for these species and the season is shaping up nicely. This is the time of year where those who want to cry about having to head out twelve hours to hit world class fishing grounds are better off staying off the water. You see here in Vallarta we have some unique conditions that keep this area one of the best fishing locations in the world. That’s right amigos, I SAID THE WORLD!