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Marina Vallarta Las Palmas I Local 3

H1N1 Smear Tactics for Mexico by CNN and Others!

On the Drudge report yesterday I read this thing that was represented as a news article on how the cases of the H1N1 flu strain had dramatically increaded in just a few weeks. Throwing the normal scare tactics out to the American public at large who actually thinks these news services are something other than […]

Marlin, Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna, the players are all here, why aren´t you. Puerto Vallarta Sportfishing and More!!

Sailfish and Dorado, Puerto Vallarta Sportfishing

8 hr Fishing Trips in Puereto Vallartas world famous fishing grounds will find you in Schools of Sailfish, Mahi Mahi or Dorado, Yellowfin Tuna or Marlin. Take your pick, they´re all here waiting for you! Puerto Vallarta Sportfishing at it´s best.