Yellowfin Tuna More Abundant By The Day, Marlin Everywhere, Big Snappers Return, Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta Rocks!
The world of sport fishing is a small and close knit community. The same ones you will read about and see in the magazines and TV shows are the same people you will see around the Village in Marina Vallarta as we get deeper into High Season. When it comes to World Class Deep Sea Fishing or Big Game Fishing, it is hard to beat the reputation of Puerto Vallartas fishing grounds! Right now we are seeing the sorts of things we look for in a world class location like Giant Marlin, very large Yellowfin Tuna, large Sailfish and more. In fact there are YF Tuna over 200 lbs outside of El Banco, but be patient it may take some time to find these monsters, but worth the wait.
If you are one of those serious Fishing fanatics and you are dead set on Yellowfin Tuna over 200 lbs, then you´re in luck. But you´re in for a long day and a fair distance before you´ll find that finned fantasy! Anywhere from five miles south to the Tres Maria Islands you can find what you´re looking for. Perfect water temperatures and plenty of bait have our favorite species hanging out and setting up house as residents. But the real story is still Black Marlin running anywhere from 450 lbs to over 800 lbs. So, have you ever caught a fish bigger than your car? Now would be your chance. Wahoo have been boated at the high spots of El Banco and if you’re lucky you’ll run into some larger Dorado. Sailfish are here as well, but you don´t need to come this far if you´re looking for those.
Corbeteña after such a long period of very little action has turned into a hot bed of action. Just a few miles inland from the rock you will find Black Marlin in the trenches and most forget to look in these areas when the fishing is so abundant like now. Many a tournament winner boated a winning fish in this area and it should be on the list of places to mark on your GPS. Sailfish are here in the 85 inch range, Blue and Striped Marlin are in the area and running in the 250 to 550 lb range. But the real story for those looking for a trophy fish is Black Marlin this week and Yellowfin Tuna. You may have to circle the rock moving outward, but the extra effort will be worth the time and trouble. Blacks are between 400 and 850 lbs, Yellowfin are ranging from small to very large depending on if you run into Spinner dolphin or porpoises. But with the size range as it is, you can find Yellowfin from 40 lbs to 250 lbs, it just depends. Wahoo have been out in numbers, but unless you’ve got Wahoo rigs, boating one is pure luck. Cubera Snappers have hit the big time as well since spawning season for them has finally come to an end. Seng Sok from southern California boated a 65 lb Cubera Snapper and was nothing but smiles on Magnifico our 30 Bertram Classic. No bottom fishing here, this Pargo (Spanish for Snapper) took trolled bait on the surface. Just remember, these fish fight like Sailfish, but taste much better! Dorado have been missing, but if you can find a log, you´ve got dinner! Right now if you are looking for the best bang for your buck, then Corbeteña is the place to be.
The Marietta islands this week are still doin their thang! Rooster fish have reappeared and are running anywhere from 30 lbs to 50 lbs and are hungry! Snappers, Bonito, Needle fish (false marlin since they have a bill) Jack Crevalls, Mackerals and small Dorado are just a few to choose form. If you find floating logs or something of that nature you’re liable to hit the jack pot with some larger sizes of the perfect dinner fish, Dorado! For an 8 hr day, you could do a lot worse and spend a lot more. Don´t forget El Morro, the place seems to get ignored, but there are always fish in the area so keep this quiet location in the back of your mind.
The bay is kinda strange lately. Some days you’ll find 35 lb Skip Jack Tuna in front of Yelapa. Other days the Roballo are hitting hard at Boca Tomatlan, and if you hit the Nuevo Vallarta area anything from Sailfish to Jack Crevalls will be waiting for you to show up with something that will grab their attention! So a four our six hour bay day will still give those with a short budget the chance to get some PV Action under fighting belts! You may even save some money on dinner amigos!!
The businesss owners in Marina Vallarta have formed a small committee to promote ¨The Village in Marina Vallarta¨. If you are in Puerto Vallarta be sure to look for us or ask about us. We have 150 shops, Restaurant Row and every service under the sun available. Weekly farmers markets, flea market nights and more are planned so tell your friends and lets see the ¨Village in Marina Vallarta¨ take off with your support. As one of the top ten privat marinas in the world it´s hard to believe we need to promote such a cool place, but there you are, so tell your friends!
Also this week I notice the news services are depicting Mexico as a dangerous place to live or visit. Well folks, there are those dangerous places in every corner of the world. The American appetite for drugs is causing Mexico problems in more ways than one. But the one thing Mexico is not getting credit for is fighting the good fight. Mexico does not have to fight the drug lords, the problem is Americas. Drug lords are bad guys, no question, but the issues the press is putting in front of the American public are skewed and biased! America has come out with travel warning just before every high travel period for Americans trying to scare them into not coming to Mexico and keeping their vacation dollars home. I can tell you first hand, Mexico is safer than Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland and the list goes on. The places with the issues are places close to the border and this has always been the case there. This area has always been an area of high tension and crime, nothing new there. But don´t let the news and the travel warnings scare you from visiting the primary tourism areas, they are safe, fun and now very affordable so take advantage of the deals and money exchange!
Be sure to remember we have the Pez Vela Tournament coming this November 10, 11, 12 and 13th. Remember the 10th is just sign in, the tournament starts the following morning at 7:00a.m..Possibly 6:00 am….. More information on the tournament when available, web site not updated as yet…. I have several boats priced to go and all Master Baiter´s boats are tournament ready with fresh drags (no jerking), fresh line, new bearings, everything we could slide by with, but winning tournaments comes first from preparation, after that luck and captain skills take over… Contact me if interested in winning a tournament with Magnifico or Discovery or any of the other options I have in my secret bag of tricks! Another reminder, if you are not dealing with a licensed and insured fishing company in Puerto Vallarta, you don´t have any recourse should something go wrong. Like giving some guy on the board walk a deposit just to find the guy doesn´t show up the day you´re supposed to be heading out fishing. Just don´t do anything you wouldn´t do in your home town and everything will be wonderful when you head out. The reason I say this so many times I see this sort of thing happen all the time. In fact today I put a unexpected boat out just for this reason. I gave the guys fishing with me, both are in the throes of a divorce, a nice discount. And remember, if you mention you read my blog, article or are a Facebook friend, I will give you a nice discount! Until next week, don´t forget to kiss your fish! Remember, if you have any questions or suggestions you can reach me at: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx or CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property to Stan Gabruk. Always ask to speak with Stan to insure product quality and to insure you are working with the true Master Baiter´s ® and not an imposter