Yellowfin Tuna, Marlin, Sailfish, Rooster Fish, Summer Sportfishing Explodes!
Things are getting hot in Puerto Vallarta and I am not only talking about the weather. Every year I write about how when the weather gets hot, so does the fishing. Many can handle the heat and humidity that comes along with Monster Yellowfin Tuna and Black Marlin. For those, the season is early for these species and the season is shaping up nicely. This is the time of year where those who want to cry about having to head out twelve hours to hit world class fishing grounds are better off staying off the water. You see here in Vallarta we have some unique conditions that keep this area one of the best fishing locations in the world. That’s right amigos, I SAID THE WORLD!
One example of how things are beginning to take off is the invasion of flying fish into the area. By in the area I mean in the Bay of Banderas, which is drawing in Billfish in front of La Cruz Marina all the way down to Nuevo Vallarta in front of the hotels! The flying fish are large also, 15 inches in length and it isn´t hard to find flying fish with all the flying birds engaging in war fare bombing tactics on these fish! When these flying fish arrive, a Marlins favorite food, or one of them anyway, when they arrive there are always Marlin close behind. An example of this is the reappearance of Blue and Black Marlin at Corbeteña. This area has been void of bait for more weeks than I care to remember. But how, this has changed and there will be more action at the rock shortly if not right now! Smaller Yellowfin Tuna have arrived here as well in the 40 to 60 lb range for the moment. But this is the Rock and things can get better or for that fact worse in a heartbeat. Water conditions here for the most part have been very favorable. But there have been those days where we have had the green or dirty water chasing currents out this way. So be sure to check the reports if possible the day before…. Those looking for Wahoo, they have been taking baits just off the finger that extends below the water line off the rock. Break the instructions out for those expensive electronics you paid for… there is another use other than the GPS features amigos!
If you´re thinking of hitting El Banco, the time is right to get those fuel dollars together. Finally the Yellowfin are on the high spots! Now they can be anywhere from 60 to 175 lbs depending on your luck. But there are finally large Marlin here as well. In fact anywhere between the high spots and the point can be a very fertile location. For now, not much else out there, Dorado are noticeably absent which is unusual for this time of the year. Keep an ear open for the conditions and avoid the full moon on an outgoing tide. Also, remember during a full moon the Tuna Bite is early and late, again check the conditions before heading out. Here’s a secret to help those looking for large Yellowfin at El Banco: about five miles towards the Tres Maria Islands, there is a drop off where many a large Yellowfin or Black Marlin has been boated. Again, use the fish finder option and see if anything is running below you, drop a down rigger with a chorra or skip jack tuna. Charter boats that charge a little extra will always have this option and is one reason why they will return in with fish when others are fishing blind. Remember, this is what you are paying for, catching fish on well equipped boats.
With more people in town we´re seeing more people willing to head out to the more distant blue water locations. But the closer in areas of El Morro and the Marietta Islands are finally showing signs of Sailfish life. They are mostly small for Sailfish, but you can always throw them back… release is the word! Nothing fancy, just troll a google eye or live bait, preferably a skip jack or Bonito and you´ll be into some arm burning action! Roosters are still here between 30 and 55 lbs., Sierra Mackerals are large, plenty of Jack Crevalls, Pompano, snappers and the list goes on. Still the place to be if you are looking for smaller fish and lots of action.
This week in the bay the fishing has been amazing and surprising as well. Sailfish have gotten large compared to last week and are still hanging in the area from La Cruz Marina south to a few miles off the shore of Nuevo Vallarta in front of the resorts. If you are looking to squeeze a six hour trip into a Billfish Safari, then now would be a good time to do it! Now here’s one that will surprise you, Striped Marlin in the 80 kilo range (180 lbs) are chasing those flying fish! Jack Crevalls are still hanging out there and there are always Bonito. Anything is possible in this area and is generally ignored by the locals with big egos! For those who think catching fish is just fine, then you´re the guy I am talking to here!
Many people for some reason never explore the option of Shore or surf fishing. If you are in Nuevo Vallarta the Roosters are close in and looking for something to sink their teeth into. If you’re in the river mouth areas in Nuevo or Boca Tomatlan, then Roballo or Snook in English are incredibly good tasting and ignored by the vacationing anglers. One down side is you’ll need to come down with your own equipment, nothing to rent in Vallarta as far as I know. I used to send people with all the gear and tackle they would need, but it never came back!
With the rainy season upon us, the evenings are always threatening and as we get into the later months of summer this will be a daily occurrence. Now the rain is a good thing, but like all things it has it’s up and down sides. The up side is naturally the fish get excited with the water drops hitting the water, it makes them think bait is re- entering the water, they get more excited than my ex-wife at a Nordstroms or Neiman Marcus sale…. Something to think about, I have a guide who will take you for a decent day for $150.00 usd, comes with all the tackle you´ll need and it will be with an American living in the area that is well versed in locations and secret spots!
Until next week, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
Master Baiter’s is now all over the place. Stan Gabruk post articles as a feature writer in publications, reputable web sites, Vallarta Fishing Experience host and member of better known fishing social networking sites. As the Premier Fishing Company in Puerto Vallarta, we pride ourselves on service and value to our customers. All boats are insured and have correct and legal operational licenses. Feel free to contact Stan at: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx. You can also purchase one of my famous shirts online now at: www.MasterBaitersGear.com Blog: www.masterbaiters.wordpress.com Facebook: search for MasterBaiters Stan, or look for me on Twitter: www.Masterbaiters/twitter.com and for local information that is priceless visit: www.Banderasnews.com and keep up with Puerto Vallarta…
Brandon, Normally we don’t have Yellowfin Tuna per se in April. But thisis a weird year and they have
been in and out. For now there are mostly football sized and between El Banco and Corbetena which are
35 to 50 miles out…. Rooster fish love live bait but will hit poppers, Rapallas, silve diamond jigs, and many others.
No real secrets for Roosters, you just have to be there when they come up… Marietta Islands and the reef at Punta Mita are your best bets.
Hope this answers your question… I am off to the fred Hall fishing show in Long beach calif.. I will be away from the computer for a bit but
will be back on the 12th of March for more questions of you have any …
Master Baiter’s sportfishing and Tackle