Warm Water Winter, Stripers, Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna
Written by: Stan Gabruk
Lately I have had a many people asking me about global warming, the strange fishing conditions and what I make of them. Well I used to think I actually knew something about our local species, currents, and what we should expect under fairly normal conditions. When it comes to fishing, it will always defy logic. For now we´re seeing summer time species like Dorado, Sailfish and Yellowfin tuna around our world famous fishing grounds. Now why they´re here in the winter, your guess is as good as mine. While we´re having spring like weather during the days, it will also help keep water temperatures up. With warm, swirling currents these strange conditions have persisted and who are we to complain. For now the visitor looking for some great fishing action can actually target fish that should be long gone. Welcome to fishing amigo, it will drive you crazy!
Corbeteña is alive and well with Yellowfin Tuna to 80 lbs, Same for El Banco. Dorado running in the 35 to 50 lb range is turning into a ¨normal¨ thing. Sailfish, Striped Marlin to 250 lbs. Wahoo average in the 80 lb range for now. It´s just great fishing and there´s plenty of live bait to keep these summer species around. With the lower numbers of tourist fishing the local spots are all deserted with just a few boats if any. Cubera Snappers, there is plenty of action if you have the inclination amigo.
At the Marietta Islands and El Morro, the fishing is great, but like you should expect these fish are moving all over the place. Some days can be tough trying to get the interest of a fish that is so stuffed he can´t eat another bait fish, but thank your lucky stars they do! Sailfish are still hanging out, Dorado in the 25to 35 lb range, Snappers to 30 lbs, Trigger fish around the reef area are tasty! Rooster fish which were so active the last week have thinned out considerably with the Sardines moving. Picking up the slack Jack Crevalls are all over the place, Sierra Mackerals also, it´s wide open here and it´s only an eight hour day. Mikes Fishing party can help the single guy looking for some action on a shoe string for $175 dollars per person. Cheap for sure and Mikes Fishing is a superior product for a fair price. Come by and ask us about this great and affordable option while here in Puerto Vallarta as a single fisherman.
Punta Mita, the other point to the north is alive as well with Sailfish off the point and north a bit. Striped Marlin almost to El Banco and Dorado bulls. Rooster fish may be there, but no reports as late from Sayulita. But the fact a four hour trip off a beach panga that is equipped well will get you something for the dinner table tonight, fresh from the sea. It doesn´t get any better than this when it comes to fresh sea food! I would hit the Marietta Islands before you consider this area.
Inside the bay is still Jack Crevall City as you would expect from years and years of steady winter time stable. Dorado are not in the bay, but Sierra Mackerals are running between and 15 and 35 lbs, great tasting as well but make sure you find those golden spots near the dorsal fin so don´t eat that California Mackeral, it´s horrible! Skip Jack Tuna around Yelapa just don’t understand they`re not supposed to be there. Perfect for younger anglers who are not exactly looking to hook into Moby Dick!
Water Temperatures are hovering in the 71 to 75 degree range. Bait fish are all over the place with many smaller bait balls. Lures are always something you should run, but for now if you´re trolling live bait it will do the job. Google Eyes for now are the bait of choice. Presently you have a real opportunity to catch some great and tasty fish that should not be here in the area. So take the chance to see nature up close and personal, who knows, you may even see a whale!
For those who don´t know yet, Gloria, a personal friend (not my wife) is now working the shop during the day and is handling my marketing and office during the day. For every person who comes in the door and says hello will receive a free jungle or city tours. Gloria is a great lady and you`ll understand when you meet here. We´ve also got some new T-shirt styles in our new location just down a few doors from Victors Restaurant at the south end of the marina. Come in and get your tour amigos…..
Until next time don’t forget to kiss your fish and remember at Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle “ We Won’t Jerk You Around”!
Master Baiter´s has changed locations in Marina Vallarta and are now near Victors Café Te Cuba. Look for me at the least traveled end of Marina Vallarta and I will be there in my new place! Everyone coming by to see my new location will get a FREE CITY OR JUNGLE TOUR! So I expect to see you all at my shop soon!Master Baiters is still the only real fishing company in Marina Vallarta with its own exclusive boats that are reliable, fast, English Speaking, fish catching professionals! Questions on any subject: feel free to ask at my email: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx or call me directly locally at: (044) 322 779 75 71 or if roaming: 011 52 1 322 779 75 71 (this is my cell phone directly until the shop phone is working). You can come be a ¨Fan¨ on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/88817121325 Facebook Fans get special perks you won´t find in my reports.
The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.