As we get ready to enter March, we’re still seeing summer season species in cold water. This is the sort of thing that happens in an El Nino year. Naturally if you’re looking at the calendar, you’d be saying ‘this shouldn’t be happening’. But strangely enough it is happening and we’re not going to cry or complain about great fishing. With unpredictable currents and fluctuating water temperatures local angles are still seeing Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish, Striped Marlin and more. Fishing in Puerto Vallarta’s world famous fishing grounds right now are living up to their reputation. That’s the up side, the down side is you have to push a lot of water as you’ll need to be about 30 miles off the point of Punta Mita for the best action. For the family that isn’t all that interested in boating a Sailfish for example will still find fun and exciting action for the family closer in and will be satisfied with smaller species in larger numbers. Those looking for some fun action fishing from 7 to 70, will find exactly what you’re looking for. If you’re willing to put in the time, effort and of course money!

I was in Guadalajara last week so this report will cover mostly last week, but little has changed. For those heading to Corbetena, normally our most predictable and active area for fishing, was almost asleep. I should probably say ‘slow’, but in reality those targeting Sailfish, Stripers, Dorado, etc. we’re having a bit of a hard time of it. After saying that, there are the occasional Striped Marlin and Sailfish, but they’re so spread out and sparse your chances are in the 30% range. Now to be fair, there were Bonito and Jack Crevalles, but you don’t go 35 miles out in one direction for the same species you can get in the bay. So, what’s your option?
Right now, if you’re focused on Corbetena, all you have to do is adjust focus in a different direction and you’ll be in fish heaven. For now your best plan of attack is head to the Punta Mita point. Set a heading anywhere from 285 to 310 and head out about 20 miles. There you’ll find Spinner Dolphin running with 60 lb Yellowfin Tuna ‘footballs’. They’ve been in this area now for two weeks, I couldn’t tell you why, but at this point, who cares. If you’re in March with these species available, you should be thanking the fish gods! With water temperatures warming a tick when they should be dropping means this situation could continue for a while longer. For now, with the present conditions, this area is your best bang for your fishing dollar!

For the week previous to this we were seeing some strange things in the 8 hr. duration locations, for the better I might ad. For a time there, and this changes daily, there was no action closer in off the point. Now some days the fishing is better closer in, around Punta Nayarit for example. Then the next day who knows. For now if you’re heading this way, I’d suggest setting a heading of 300, drop baits about 8 miles off the point and head out at trolling speed. You’ll find fish, just make sure you’re at the ‘party’ during the bite and you’ll be having the time of your life. But be warned, it’s late season fishing and nothing is automatic. Be prepared to work for your catch amigo. Dorado are also in the area, but less by the day. But be warned, you may wind up 25 miles out before you get any action.

Inside the bay we’re still seeing plenty of great fishing, all be it smaller fish. Jack Crevalles to 50 lbs are our bread and butter species at this time of the year. While not the best tasting fish out there, they are strong fighters and super fun to catch. Until you’ve caught a Jack Crevalle you’ll never understand their strength! Bonito, which are part of the Tuna family are great tasting and very abundant, but again smaller in size. Dorado are hard to find, but if you’re around the Los Arcos area or off Punta Negra where the Garza Blanca Resort is, Dorado in the 20 lb range are still hanging out. Dorado for some reason have been around the La Cruz area as well. Many people scoff at Sierra Mackerels, but these Mackerels are the ones they can and send to Norway. So they may be small, but they’re delicious and super abundant close in. Perfect for family fishing and for the younger members of the family. A six hour trip in the bay will be the ‘stuff’ memories of a lifetime are made.

If you’ve been reading my articles, you know we always have a long list of different baits in the area. Last week we had these six to eight inch Squids, then there were the massive areas of Krill, where people were asking me if it was Red Tide. The point being it’s a fish smorgasbord out there and you never know which bait is preferred at that moment. But for some reason, there is one universal bait that works almost all the time. It’s readily available here in the bay, but for some reason they’re ignored. What bait is this, they’re Ballyhoo’s!! Yep, Ballyhoo’s, we have them in the bay, but you can’t purchase them. Why? Frankly I don’t’ know, I think the bait guys are lazy, but there are times when they’re abundant in the area and are easily catchable. On days when other baits aren’t working, a Ballyhoo will. When rigged they’ll last longer trolled and when you have them, you’ll be the only one trolling this magical bait. You can purchase this ‘magic’ bait from me, I have a stock in my freezer. When Ballyhoos are in the bay, I put some on the boats and it pays off in return clients who catch fish. Also, strangely enough, dead bait and a particular lure called a “catfish”, which is green and gray. Strange colors I know. To continue, the bite is the same as it has been for more than a month now, about 08:30. Water temperatures have ticked up, but under the surface the water is warmer and this is El Nino at work. For all you Sea Bass guys waiting for cold water, you’ll need to wait a bit longer!
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
Written by Stan Gabruk

Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx, Local Phone at: Our international number is: +52 322 209 1128. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook: Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle. The trade mark Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.