Fishing in Puerto Vallarta is all about the Dorado!

Puerto Vallarta fishing is alive and well this week as we’re in the middle of the best time of the year to be fishing in PV. With dropping water temperatures the Dorado domination is starting to tick down. That doesn’t mean you won’t catch Dorado, it just won’t be automatic. Marlin that was mysteriously absent have begun moving in again, but they’re small, if a 400 lb Marlin can be considered small? Sailfish are also picking up in numbers as well, we’re normally stuffed full of Sailfish in a non La Nina year. If you get the idea things are mixed up, you’re right. We’re seeing warm water species mixed with cold water species. Which all adds up to great fishing in perfect conditions. Plenty of bait and perfect conditions at our world famous fishing grounds adds up to arm burning action and endless grins!
Water Temperatures Drop, Marlin Numbers Thin, Dorado the Dominant Species

It looks like change is coming. Water temperatures have dropped drastically this week. Water is dirty, not unusual but very late in the season. Dorado is the dominant species right now but with lower water temperatures things could change soon. With changing currents this will bring the dirty water and the cooler water temperatures. It’s very early in the season for a drop of this magnitude, obviously this is the result of La Nina. It’s interesting that when the water temps dropped, the whales showed up. Also there are a few whales in the bay now. So things are changing, but the fishing surprising enough is still pretty good.
Increasing Water Temperatures, Summer Species Moving in, Dorado, Stripers, Sailfish

Written by Stan Gabruk, owner Master Baiter’s Sportfishing & Tackle A week ago when we had the larger sized porpoises moving following a massive amount of bait that in turn was following the currents. I knew then, that it looked like we could be seeing a change. Less than a week later conditions and […]
Water Temps Drop Again, Roosters in Sayulita, Freak Fishing

With a title like that, you must be wondering what this is all about. We’ve been waiting for the “cold” water all winter. Well it’s finally here as we see another dip in water temperatures and an increase in Krill squids and shrimp, Sardines and more. With massive amounts of bait it can present a challenge to get fish to take your offering or presentation (aka baits). Everyone is catching fish, some days are better than others. But if you don’t catch fish now, you must be either jinxed or on a boat with an “unlucky” captain. All and all the fishing is great, short days, longer durations, it doesn’t matter so get on the water already!!