¨Summer¨ fishing in March with Marlin, Tuna, Sailfish!

You know I can´t figure it out, we have winter species in the bay like Jack Crevalls, Needle Fish, Sierra Mackerals. Then we have the summer species of Marlin, Tuna, Wahoo and Sailfish in the same waters at the same time. Yes folks this is El Nino with it´s scrambled egg approach to fishing. We don´t know what to expect on a weekly basis, but we do know there are big fish at El Banco and Corbetena. We have Sailfish around the Marietta and Punta Mita area with Rooster fish. Then we have freak fishing situations like Blue Marlin being boated in the Bay. So fishing right now is like a trend we should ride and not get too much into the ¨why it´s happening now¨, just keep reeling!