+52 322 209 1128

Marina Vallarta Las Palmas I Local 3

Cool Water, Dirty Water, Spinners and Tuna

After writing articles for the last twenty something years, I have to say the conditions we’re looking at now are something far from normal. With relatively cool water temperatures, strange currents, strange wind patterns and even stranger fishing, nothing is predictable right now. We should be moving into a summer fishing pattern where the water temperatures are at a minimum of 84 degrees or about 25 degrees Celsius. The clashing currents are finally starting to calm down after more than a month of dirty water. The red tide is finally gone and we’re finally seeing some Summer Species moving into El Banco and Corbetena, but don’t get too excited amigos. We’re in the early stages of the summer fishing season and our El Nino conditions are changing back to the La Nina situation which explains a lot. Right now we’re in a wait-and-see mode, but one thing is predictable, we’re coming into what I believe will be an incredible fishing season in Puerto Vallarta!

Re-Discovering Puerto Vallarta’s World Class Fishing

In the world of fishing Puerto Vallarta (pronounced Puerto Viarta) seems to be the land Fisherman and fishing publications have forgotten. Famous from the time Puerto Vallarta was a Puebla, PV is known for some of, if not the best fishing in all of Mexico. Famous for Huge Black Marlin, Monster “World Record Possible” Yellowfin Tuna, Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Striped Marlin and the list goes on. Naturally depending on the season will determine the Gamefish available. Puerto Vallarta (PV) has several personalities in the form of changing seasons and species making the entire area a fishing wonderland throughout the year. PV is perfect for the beginner angler to the professional.

Puerto Vallarta Fishing, Spring has Sprung!

El Nino has given us all here fishing in Puerto Vallarta a real gift. We’ve seen Dorado into late April, we’re still seeing Striped Marlin, and up until just a few days ago, we’ve had great Yellowfin Tuna Action. Water temperatures have remained fairly high throughout the entire winter fishing season as we continued to see summer species in what is normally off-season months for Yellowfin Tuna and Marlin. But it’s now late April and we can’t get around the annual ‘spring has sprung’ slowdown. For a few weeks now we’ve seen fishing being on and off. There are many possible reasons for this, massive amounts of bait are one. But the most likely is mating season has begun for many species. Fish that are not taking baits in the morning, will in the afternoon. Yes amigos, love is in the air, or rather water in the fish world of the Bay of Banderas. Right now the biggest question is: Who’s going to get lucky, you or the fish?

     Take a Shot Fishing in Puerto Vallarta

After many weeks into the winter season regarding fishing in Puerto Vallarta, we’re still seeing summer species in plentiful amounts if you’re in the right place at the right time. El Nino this year has really messed around with our seasonal fishing calendar. Species you would never expect to be available at this time of the year, Dorado, Sailfish and Striped Marlin to name a few, actually never left the area. So here we are on the cusp of spring and we’re still sending people out after Yellowfin Tuna. As we slowly move into breeding season, the fishing can be a little erratic. And we can’t get around that, but this isn’t happening much. Remembering we’re still in the winter fishing season, we’re seeing Grouper and other very cold water species moving into the bay. So stay positive, the fishing is great!

Rollercoaster Fishing in Puerto Vallarta

Every year about this time, we see the beginning of the spring rollercoaster when it comes to fishing in Puerto Vallarta. This year we’re seeing fluctuating water temperatures and clashing currents. Oddly enough the El Nino conditions just complicate things with summer species in the middle of winter. Now we’re not complaining and we know what to expect, but the simple fact is that winter fishing, never really turned into winter fishing this year! Going on four weeks now El Banco, which has been all but dead previously, suddenly came back to life. Yellowfin Tuna at 60 to 80 pounds are running with Spinner Dolphin and with the massive amounts of bait in the area, these conditions are likely to continue. With water temperatures at their lowest for the season, to have Yellowfin Tuna in the numbers we’re seeing them in, is a gift from the fish gods. But few things in fishing are perfect and the downside of this is that on some days, you can’t turn a Tuna’s head to take advantage of what you’re offering. Welcome to the Rollercoaster!

     80 Lb. Yellowfin Tuna and Breeding Season

Puerto Vallarta’s extended fishing season continues as we are still boating 60 to 80 lb. Yellowfin Tuna all over the El Banco area. That’s great news for sure, but the simple fact is Puerto Vallarta fishing goes through the seasons just like all the other fish locations around the world. We’ve been very lucky this year with the El Nino conditions. But it looks like the Dorado have finally gotten tired of the cold water and have moved on. Sailfish and Striped Marlin are still running around the neighborhood, but the odds of you boating one is less every day. Now this all may sound like ‘doom and gloom’, but in reality it’s happening very late in the fishing season. But you can’t get around spring and when we come to this time of the year, the seasons are beginning to change both in the climate and in the fishing season. Now what’s strange, we never really came out of the summer fishing conditions with all the summer species hanging around even with the dropping water temperatures. What can you look forward to? Well in about 12 weeks, we’ll be gliding back into the summer fishing conditions once again.

Roll the Dice Fishing in Puerto Vallarta

You know, we’ve been in this El Nino Rollercoaster for many months now. Which by the way followed a La Nina stretch of about two years. To say the present current situations, water temperatures and species specifics is confusing would be an understatement. To be boating (catching) schooling Yellowfin Tuna or Chasing Spinner Dolphin in March is the sort of thing that only happens in an El Nino World. Now when you’re fishing in Puerto Vallarta’s world famous fishing grounds, you welcome this ‘weirdness’. Extending the summer fishing season into late winter fishing excitement in the form of Dorado, Sailfish and Striped Marlin is welcome to say the least. Now you’ll need to push a fair amount of water, but the simple fact you have 60 to 80 lb Yellowfin Tuna at your disposal should push the fuel cost, mentally at least, aside. While the fish maybe spread out, meaning thin but in most of the fishing grounds, we should remember to thank our lucky stars for the great fishing Puerto Vallarta is experiencing right now!

Surprisingly Great P.V. Fishing Continues

On a weekly basis now, I seem to be the biggest pessimist in the area. I keep thinking the fishing is going to turn and I’m sending people out “hoping” they catch fish. Then my crews send me pictures and I turn into an optimist. So I give up, the fishing is great until further notice. Why would I say this, because the fishing in Puerto Vallarta is much better than I would expect it to be! Even with cool water temperatures, several of our warm water species are still hanging around and the only reason is bait. Krill, Sardines, Goggle eyes, Flying fish and the list seems endless. So we now know, bait trumps cold water. I’ve learned my lesson and my inner optimist is excited for what news the next fishing day will bring. This week we saw Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna and Dorado and if that doesn’t turn you into an optimist, when winter species should be moving in, then you may have turned into ‘me’!

Late Season Dorado and Striped Marlin

It seems like we’ve been in the ‘endless summer’ as summer species like Dorado, Sailfish, Striped Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna are still hanging around. Right now the fishing in Puerto Vallarta is surprisingly great! The farther out you go, the better your chances to boat that fantasy fish in Puerto Vallarta’s world class fishing grounds. Sooner or later this has to come to an end and we’re seeing signs of ‘sputtering’. If you’ve been reading my articles on a regular basis, you will remember we’ve been looking at water temperatures hovering at 73 degrees. Right now at the deep water fishing grounds of Corbetena and El Banco, there have been no changes. But in the bay this week we have seen another two degree drop, so change is here. For the next twenty minutes or so, the fishing will be fine. But from this point forward, those looking for summer species may find themselves disappointed. What does this mean, well you better get on the water soon. The good news is the cold water species are moving into the bay!

Amazing Late Season Fishing in Puerto Vallarta

I have to say that I am just flabbergasted that the fishing is so great this late in the fishing season. We normally expect an explosion of Dorado and Striped Marlin about now, but things have been ‘exploding’ for some time now. The amazing late season fishing in Puerto Vallarta isn’t showing any indications of slowing down any time soon. With Striped Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna footballs and plenty of larger Dorado, it makes ‘catching’ a no brainer! For the last few weeks I was afraid to allow myself to be optimistic about what was to come. But now it’s obvious that the second fishing season. An ‘Indian Summer’ of our fishing season means all you have to do is show up at your favorite fishing grounds and get prepared for a ‘bucket list’ day of fishing amigos.