Settling into Winter Fishing Conditions, Plenty of Fishing Action!
Written by: Stan Gabruk owner of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle

Puerto Vallarta like any other place goes though seasonal changes. Here in March we’re in the depth of winter at 85 degrees and suffering. The killing chill is what tourist feel when they walk into my shops and discover that Moby Dick is still here, but not his Marlin friends. Yes folks thing have gone full pendulum with water temperatures now a solid 71 degrees and stabilizing. Yes it looks like we’re settling into a pattern now that will be with us for a while. Now while this may sound negative, it’s part of the game. But in reality it’s a very positive thing as most tourist aren’t interested in heading out 12 hours to find a species that may not be there.
You know as I mentioned most people walking in my door are looking for larger fish or fish we just don’t have. Those looking to catch larger fish are just for the most part out of luck. Yes you can go hit Corbetena and find 40 to 60 lb Football Tuna, Jigging for Amber Jacks to 45 lobs, Cubera Snappers to 55 lbs regular Bonito, Jack Crevalls Skip Jack Tuna at 7 lbs with not much more to think about in this area. Lightening can strike, but it’s not likely. For now there really isn’t much of a reason to head to the deep water locations of El Banco or Corbetena.
The area from El Morro to inside the bay is alive with massive amounts of bait. If you’re in the Guyavitos area there are Striped Marlin, but you’re talking about a forty mile run north of Punta Mita. If you’re not willing to make this run, then you’re better off fishing in the bay. To be frank anything longer than six hours in the bay for this exact moment is a waste of your fuel dollars. Yes there will be some larger fish boated outside the bay, the pictures will be posted, but you won’t be that “guy”. So don’t get goofy from Facebook b.s.
So that leave us with beautiful bay fishing amigos. Yes we have Jack Crevalls from 30 to 50 lbs and super fun to catch. Bonito to 35 lbs and very tasty. Sierra Mackerels to 18 lbs and great tasting. Snapper around the rocks and structure. Sea Bass to 30 lbs in front of the rivers as the water temperatures continue to drop. Snook around the shore line near the rivers are also great tasting and available. There have been a few freak Sailfish in the bay taking their share of massive bait balls.
The conditions for fishing this week are much the same as last week. Water temperatures will not be much of an impact on fishing now for the next several weeks. Bait is abundant, an endless list it seems but Anchovies and tine Sardines of one inch looks like swimming rice and they’re tasty in gulps! Lots of red Krill squids look like a red tide in some areas. The bite is also on the earlier side and will be getting earlier with the moon phase coming into a full moon.
For those of you who have missed my articles the last three weeks or so, I have been remiss for sure. I do have a good reason which will be more than obvious shortly… Keep an eye on the page, we’re getting back into the competitive Yellowfin Fishing Main Stream again. You want Monster Yellowfin Tuna, stay tuned….
Until next week, Don´t forget to kiss Your Fish!
Fishing Party Thursdays have returned, 8 hrs. On Magnifico, six people max, $200 usd / person on a famous and world class boat. Contact us for details, or consider a second alternative, our popular daily Super Panga option. Eight hours in a super Panga, half the boat, each half a max of two people, $275 usd. We still run the best fishing deals in PV! Taking reservations now. Also, if you’re looking for Tours, consider us your supplier, book a boat, tours and keep it simple.
Web page: , Local Phone at: (044) 322 779 7571 or our international number is: 011 52 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook,
The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.